Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky

"Confirm Publish: Your story part takes forty minutes to read. Are you ready to make this part of your story visible to Zhongdian readers?"

'Write More' says on the left side of his screen monitor, and 'Publish Now' was displayed on the right.

Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky's mouse pointer went to the left icon when assaulted anew by ideas, "I've thought of another scene! So, nuh-uh." he clicked his tongue repeatedly, quite playfully, "Nine thousand and a hundred one words is not yet enough!"

With that, he returned to work, immediately forgetting the outside world.

As though he were fleeing for his dear life, Airplane pressed the keys on his computer keyboard at full speed, finishing the chapter with twenty more long paragraphs.

The conclusion of the chapter was this: "In the end, a generation of Immortals and Demons made Luo Binghe into a legend. The unification of the Three Realms, a harem with numbers beyond counting and a boundless number of descendants!"

"You just published Proud Immortal Demon Way - Chapter 6,666."

Airplane wiped away his invisible sweat. He smiled cheekily, very proud of himself.

He adjusted his own weight from his swivel chair to an upright position, striding in large steps to rummage his nearly empty refrigerator for instant noodles.

He ripped the plastic wrapping around its body. With a rough 'ch', he unfurled the lid, pouring hot water from his thermoflask into it. Weighed down the lid with a set of chopsticks. And, took the instant noodles with him in his untidy desk.

While he waited for his dinner, he opened a new tab in Chrome and went to an established novel forum.

Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky-juju casually rolled the scroll wheel on his mouse, reading over the pile of posts.

Doing so, he discovered a professionally written, lengthy (almost worth the length of a thesis paper) love-hate review of his PIDW from a very familiar 'ID'.

"Very good," He propped up a leg like that of a despot director, "you've successfully captured my attention." he uttered, impassioned, as he stirs his food.

Every message from the ID, Peerless Cucumber, was outlined by his eyes.

Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky really adore this specific 'fan' of his, but he had no inkling that the next day, Cucumber-bro would be the root of his anguish.

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