Chapter 34

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~You know you're in love when you don't
want to fall asleep because reality
is finally better than your dreams.~

I spent the whole night studying. I have to admit that I was getting anxious about the upcoming exam. The next morning I was a wreck. I had dark circles around my eyes and Taylor wasted no opportunity to tease me.

"Didn't he let you sleep last night?"

"I didn't sleep because of the philosophy of law."

"Take it easy! You always worry too much about these things and it always works out for you in the end."

She told me, her eyebrows arched in a way that she was sure of her words. I was about to answer her when the boy who was staring at me yesterday smiled at me. I kept my eyes on him without saying a word, and Taylor noticed and turned in the direction my eyes were going.

"Do you have a crush on him?"

"What? I don't even have a clue who he is."

"He's a fifth-year medical student."

"Then you know him!"

"He's the one I told you about yesterday. We had a party last year. I can't remember his name, he's very nice, isn't he? A few months ago he asked Janet about you. If you're interested, I can try to make a date, I know he's Courtney's friend. Come on!"

"I'm telling you again: I'm with Douglas, Tay!"

"And I ask you time and time again, but does he know that?"

I had a moment's pause for reflection on this question. He had told me that we were not friends and that we were dating. So? Could we call ourselves a couple?

"Of course!"

"It would be easier for you if you dated this guy: no issues, nice, smart, sunny..."

"And you realized that by talking to him once?"

I raised my eyebrows skeptically as I turned to look at her. Inevitably, I shook her confidence.

"But look! You can see: he's a good guy. Is it disgusting for you to have a nice, smart and cute boyfriend?"

I admitted, sighing exasperated, that he was cute, but that was all he was to me, just a pretty-faced guy. Tay and I went to Civil Law class. While the professor was explaining, I tried to write to Douglas. I didn't get an answer. Maybe he was talking to the dean about getting readmitted. I couldn't follow the whole class either. My mind was always somewhere else in San Francisco. Tay was also fiddling with her phone, and to be honest, I wasn't surprised. Every time I saw her in class, she was chatting on her phone. I smiled as I looked at her. The only thing that told me it was winter was the wool hat! When I got out of class, I wanted to go to the next classroom, but a girl ran into me and spilled coffee on my white blouse without noticing. I turned to look at her, expecting at least to see her apologize, but she didn't. In a huff, with a roll of my eyes, I retreated to the bathroom. I couldn't run to my room. It was on the other side of campus and I couldn't afford to be late this time. While I was trying to remove the stain with a piece of paper I had found, in the vain hope that it would disappear, the boy with the glasses whom I knew so well by sight these days emerged from one of the bathrooms. When I saw him in the mirror above the sink, I gasped in amazement.

"What... what are you doing here, in the ladies' room?"

The tone of my voice was high, almost hysterical. I turned to face him, leaning against the sink.

"Actually... this is the men's bathroom!"

I opened my mouth as I blinked quickly, looking around in confusion. Only then did I realize he was right! As soon as I realized my mistake, I paled with shame.

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