|Chapter Two|

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beauty that is more than skin deep


After that memorable night, Mae and Lillian went home as happy as ever.

When Joanna picked them up two hours later, they were in a never-ending fit of giggles. Joanna, for a minute, was concerned someone spiked the punch, but after hearing them laughing at Mae's dancing skills, she understood.

When they got to Lillian's house, they ran up to her room ignoring everything else. Completely drained of their energy, they collapsed on Lilly's bed.

They turned on their sides, now looking right at each other.

They stayed like that for what felt like forever, but could only have been a few minutes before Lillian broke the silence.

"Thank you," she said, so quiet that Mae wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't looking directly at her lips.

"For what?" Mae said, equally as quietly.



Three Years Later

Three years later, three grades later.

Lillian and Mae were in the tenth grade, starting their second year of high school.

Being in high school meant new friends, crushes, and occasionally, relationships.

After that night in Lillian's room all those years ago, the two grew... closer.

It started with lingering stares, then subtle touches, usually from Mae, directed at Lilly.

Even when they had first met, Mae was fervent with her touches and words, so now that there was attraction in the mix, it increased tenfold.

Lillian, though she would never admit it, was also catching feelings.

Mae's smiles, Mae's laugh, Mae's confidence, Mae was all she could think about.

And as if it was their first day of sixth grade all over again, Lillian was a bundle of nerves, with Mae being as excited as ever.

Similar to the first day of sixth grade, they were at Mae's house, but this time, Mae's older brother was taking him as he was taking a gap year before starting college.

"I don' wanna' go.." Lillian said still half asleep and practically dead to the world.

"You do this every year, and yet you always end up going." Mae– who was already dressed and ready to go, said matter-of-factly, her hands at her hips, smirking.

Lillian just muttered something incoherent in response.

"Well, you better get your lazy ass up before Alen drags us downstairs."

"Ok, ok, I'm going."

"Mhm, that's what I thought," Mae said, and gave the now somewhat awake Lillian her signature bright smile, then finally walked out the door to give her best friend some privacy.

While Lillian was upstairs changing and finally getting ready, Mae walked downstairs to the living room and took a seat.

While the clock ticked and minutes passed, Lillian finally walked down the stairs after what felt like forever, attempting to zip up her skirt.

"Mae? Can you help me zip this up? Why put the zipper in the back if you can't even reach-"

"Yeah, no problem, this happens all the time to me," Mae said with a slight chuckle.

As Lillian walked towards her savior (who was ready to tackle the horribly placed zipper), Mae smelt Lilly's perfume.

It was a muted scent of coconut and hazelnut, but to Mae, it smelt like paradise.

Grabbing the zipper, she pulled up, lightly grazing Lillian's skin.

Lilly took a sharp breath, faint, yet the loudest thing the two girls heard in that very moment.

They both felt as if their hearts were beating out of their chests, so very loud, so loud, they hoped the other couldn't hear it.

Mae pulled away, but not without inhaling what she could before she did.

"You ready?" Mae said, breaking the silence.

"No, but I have to, so," Lillian said, anxious for what was ahead.

"I would personally drag you if Alen wasn't ten steps ahead of me," Mae said, letting out a small laugh, but that short, heavenly sound was all Lillian needed to muster the courage she so desperately needed.

Taking her best friend's hand, she walked them towards their gateway to hell.

And what a gateway to hell it was.

Upon finally arriving at school, they were handed their schedules.

It was like it was the sixth grade all over again, because much to Lillian's dismay, they didn't share nearly as many classes as they should have.

And the day went on as it usually did, with Mae being social and Lillian sitting in the back and silently doing her work.

When the bell rang indicating Lunch, Lillian made her way into the lunch room, her eyes roaming the crowded tables looking for the strawberry blonde hair she so desperately yearned for.

True to the name 'Little Mae', Mae hadn't grown much, sporting a height several inches below her Lillian.

It wasn't hard to find her, though, as she was sitting next to her other friend, Brandon, who was a whopping six-foot-three. His dark skin also contrasted with Mae's light, freckled skin making her stand out as if she was the sun.

"Lilly!!" Mae exclaimed, happy to see her friend after so long (it was only a few hours).

Lillian simply smiled at her, then looked towards Brandon, and her smile dropped slightly.

Lillian sat down at the table directly across from Mae, Brandon was also there, but her attention was solely on her best friend.

"Who are you guys thinking of pairing up with for Mr. Anderson's project?" Mae said, breaking the tense silence.

"Well-" Lillian began.

"Well, I was thinking we could pair up, ya'know, since he sat us together anyways," Brandon said before Lillian could finish her sentence.

"Oh yeah, that would be cool, but Lilly and I usually pair up...is that ok with you Lil'?" Mae said, her attention now on Lillian, who sat there with no expression on her face.

"Yeah, I don't care."

"Good, then it's settled, do you want to go to my house or yours?" Brandon said to Mae, but all Mae could think about was Lillian's face; void of any emotion, similar to a shadowed moon.


"I have to go to the bathroom," Lillian said quickly as she started getting up.

"Wait-" Mae started, but Lillian was already far enough that she wouldn't have heard, but she did, yet she continued walking, her eyes already burning.


and lift others as one.

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