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Agent 4 POV

On the ride home, She rode on Sheldon's truck as she had no more strength to find her way back to Tentakeel Outpost. Marie had been sobbing all the way back holding the remains of Callie's body that they had found. Agent 4 was curled in a ball in the farthest corner away from Marie.

She was also holding Callie's headpiece. While she occasionally sniffled and gasped for air after crying from the hateful words Marie had spat at her. She tried to do this quietly to avoid another outburst even if Marie couldn't even hear her from her sobbing.

She looked over at Marie who clung onto the mangled remains of Callie. Her show dress was covered in Callie's blood. Marie looked horrible for only crying for a few minutes. "We're here." Sheldon said solemnly. Marie jumped down and quickly rushed into the Cuttlefish Cabin and slammed the door closed.

Agent 4 flinched at the loud noise, and quickly rushed down and sat on the couch. She placed Callie's headpiece on her lap, Sheldon walked over and sat next to Four. "Hey, are you okay?" Agent 4 was stunned, she expected him to ramble on and on but no he kept it straight forward. "J-just a little shaken by Marie and what I saw..." She said weakly.

Sheldon sighed "I would recommend staying clear of her, she's unpredictable when she's angry and the loss of Callie..." Sheldon had forgotten to keep his voice down "SHUT UP, CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE???!!!" Marie shouted as she came out of the cabin.

Four pressed herself against the arm of the couch while Marie began yelling at Sheldon. He looked at the deranged popstar then back at the distraught Agent. "Okay Four, this will calm you down. Take deep breaths"

Agent 4 did what she was told "Alrighty, now name 5 things you see" Agent 4 looked briskly around "I-I see the Ammo knights enhacifier, The Cuttlefish Cabin, a Zapfish plush, signs and training dummies, What exactly does this do?"

Sheldon held her hand tight "Don't worry, now name 4 things you can touch" "I can feel your hand, the couch, Callie's head piece, my clothes covered in blood" Her voice cracked "Don't those will be cleaned"

Sheldon said, Marie interjected "No they won't, they'll stay dirty to remind of your failure" She hissed. Four could see that Sheldon was starting to give up

Four start hyperventilating I cant breath- am I having a heart attack? Is this death?! Tears started trickling down her cheeks and she began shaking uncontrollably. Her heart started racing like she was running a 5km marathon while 20,000 hungry salmonids were chasing her.

Her vision started wavering between the present and the past, she didn't know where she was but all she could focus on was the severe anxiety and panic she felt. Her breathing was going too fast for her to keep up with, but she tried to keep it down to avoid catching Marie's attention.

This however failed, for Marie had snapped her attention back to four, "Why are you crying?" she said with venom in her voice. "Callie had to die, I have to deal with her death, but you? You caused this! I'm suffering! She's dead! and all you can do is cry?"

This just caused Four to cry even more, "Are you fucking 5?! I HAD TO SIT BY WHILE SOMEONE I CARED ABOUT DIED! WHILE YOU CAUSED IT!! STOP CRYING I'M TALKING TO YOU!"

Four couldn't even hear Marie anymore, the only thing she could hear was a loud buzzing in her ears as she stared at Callie's mangled corpse. It's my fault..It's all my fault! What's wrong with me.. why can't I do anything right for once, I should be dead.

Four could barely tell that Marie had stopped yelling but the feeling didn't go away. Her head was pounding in pain, her vision started getting blurry and dark.

She felt a very prominent feeling of lightheadedness breaking her very inner core. Everything hurts, she just wanted to stop existing and let the void take her. Her thoughts wavered and she couldn't think straight as her vision got darker to a close and the void swept up and took her.

As four opened her eyes,she tried to look around but all she could see was the void. She tried to move, but to no avail, she couldn't. The lack of movement caused her to panic. Where am I? What was I doing? Why am I crying? She suddenly saw a person start to fade in and out of their reality. "Wh-Who are you?!" She yelped. The figure fully faded in, "Four?" It was...well it was impossible.

Four stared at her, "C-Callie...?" she couldn't believe her own eyes, This can't be real... "Why did you kill me, Four?" Callie said tears dripping down her face. Four stared in horror, "N-no, n-n-no! I-I didn't want to- I didn't m-mean too..."

Four was shaking and crying, Callie had matched Fours emotions, shaking and crying as well, "Wh-why?! WHAT DID I DO?! ALL I WANTED TO SEE WAS MARIE! AND YOU KILLED ME, WE CAN NEVER SEE EACH OTHER EVER AGAIN!"

Callie sobbed. Four didn't know what to do, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry...please! F-forgive me...I...I'm so s-sorry!!!" Callie's face twisted from grief and sadness to an unnatural anger, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!! THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN MAKE THIS UP TO ME IS BY DYING!!! I WISH YOU WERE DEAD THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!"

Callie screamed at her, her tears turned thicker and into...blood! She started forming into a bloody corpse, her face mangled and her words should have been less audible, but they still rang clear as day in Four's ears. "D-die.." She sobbed.

Four stared in horror, "W-What?" As Four sobbed she looked down noticing her now bloody clothes. "die...die...DIE....DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!" Callie repeated the same word over and over again, her voice didn't sound quite like her... it sounded demented.

All that Four could do was cry out, "I'M SORRY!!! I'M S-S-SO SO SORRY!!!" Four sobbed, even in the void she was suffering. No matter where she goes her actions will always follow her, she will never be free from this pain and torment.

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