its okay my american pie

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*you are star lord brother and this is during endgame, you lost half the guardians and you were trap in space

*you,tony and nebula went to earth and the three of you reunite, and got some medical help and you met yelena

*The two of you quickly fell in love but after thor kill thanos, you decide to stay in earth, you and yelena hang out, and one kiss it took and the two of you became offical

*now you are listing to nebula about the soul stone with yelena on your lap

Scott:Not it


Everyone look shock besides rocket and nebula

Yelena:Im joining as well

Y/n nods

Team 1:cap, nat, hulk,scott,tony

Team 2:thor and rocket

Team 3: nebula,rhodey and clint

Team 4: y/n and yelena

Rocket:promise to keep that in one piece right

Yelena:I'll do my best

Rocket:as promises go that was pretty great

Y/n:hey rocket, can you do me a favor

Rocket:yea sure

Y/n:when im not here tell the guardians I see them again soon

Rocket nods and nebula look like she going to cry

Everyone is ready

Y/n:See you again


After saying goodbye y/n and yelena flew the milano for the first and last time

Y/n:were long way from earth

Yelena giggles and y/n smiles

Y/n:im home,in the galaxy of course

Yelena laughs


after climbing up the mountain

Yelena:I bet you, the raccoon

Y/n:he doesnt like be call raccoon and he is not



Y/n grab his gun and aim her widow bite(i dont know whats its called)

Yelena:who are you

?:yelena daughter of alexi

Yelena flinch

?:y/n son of ego and meredith quill

Y/n smile and flinch

Yelena:who are you

?:consider me a guide to the soul stone

Yelena:oh good tell us where it is then well be on our way

?:if only were that easy

A little timeskip

Yelena: whatever it takes

Y/n:whatever it takes

Yelena walks towards yn

Yelena:one of us have to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the universe

Yn nods and hands her the mix tape from rocket repair

Yelena took it

Y/n put a earphone on her left ear and the right on his

The two are listening

Y/n:my favorite song,but here

Y/n skip towards to this

Yelena has tears in his eyes yn kiss her and she kissed back

Yn smirk and press something,

Stun yelena,Out of nowhere y/n put his jacket on yelena


Yelena uses the widow bite to stun y/n and yelena run for it

Y/n after being stun he put out his gun to zap yelena y/n ran but stops, pulls his rocket boots and puts it on yelena

Y/n:I love you

Yelena:I love you two

Y/n smirk and press again something that shocked yelena and y/n run and jump off

Yelena woke up and sit up she notice that she had y/n jacket on her then looks at her hand

And sees the soul stone, yelena cries

Yelena:why,y/n I love you, you didnt deserve to die

Yelena cries


Yelena enters hers and y/n room and notice something on her bed and walks closer to see a flashdrive

Yelena puts it in her laptop and a message begins to play

Y/n: yelena, I know if you find this recording then im dead, I bet my life for the soul stone for my frjends and brother to return but you have to understand that im going to a better place now(gotg reference) I know you must be holding your tears back,but yelena its okay to cry, its okay my miss american pie

Y/n:I will always love you my american pie

Message ended and yelena cried and sobs

yelena belova/florence pugh/amy March one shotDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora