Days of the future

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This was requested by @Superflash2255

Yelena is bored and her bestfriend is out with her boyfriend, before you ask no, y/n is not cheating he and kate are  twins

Yelena got up and walk around the compound

Yelena was still walking, she thought about calling her boyfriend but he and kate were on a mission with clint and nat, yelena saw tony lab

Yelena enter tony lab and saw a strange machine, she decide to miss with a buttons until the machine open and drag her into the weird thing

Yelena falls some hay, and sits up confuse

Yelena:what happen

?:mama daddy

Yelena looks forward and saw a little girl with y/hc and green eyes

?:yea natasha

Yelena look shock that the little girl is name natasha, then yelena saw man that look like y/n but with a beard

Yelena: y/n?

Then a blonde woman came out

Future y/n:hey babe

Blonde lady:hey handsome, hey princess

Natasha:mama when is auntie kate and auntie nat coming

Blond lady: soon natasha bishop belova

Yelena was shock that she and y/n are going to be parents in the future

But before she could walk to them she is pull back

Back in the compound

Yelena enters tony lab and sees tony

Tony:why were time traveling

Yelena:I was bored plus you built this, at least expect someone to enter your time machine

Tony:fair point,so what you see

Yelena:I dont want to talk about it

Tony nods and yelena is about to leave

Tony:also your boytoy archer is back

Yelena leaves and runs to see y/n but runs into nat

Nat:hey sis

Yelena: hey have you seen y/n

Nat:that kid that idolize me and clint yea, in his room

Yelena:thx, how was the mission


Yelena:already want to hang out with me and kate tommorow



Yelena leaves and goes to y/n room and knocks

Y/n opens his door

Y/n:hey babe

Yelena:hey baby you okay

Y/n:yea, you okay


Yelena pull y/n into a kiss, but it turns into a makeout session

Y/n:you sure babe

Yelena nods and the two close the door and have a fun time 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋

Yelena(thoughts):im going to be a mother to natasha bishop belova

yelena belova/florence pugh/amy March one shotWhere stories live. Discover now