💗Pulse (V!Eddie x Steve)

Start from the beginning

"Mike, did you do this to Will?" El and Hopper asked at the same time taking Mike aback.

"What?! No! I wouldn't make him cry!" Mike answered quickly as he put his hands up in surrender.

While this was happening however, nobody noticed Steve wandering further then the rest of the group into the 'cloud'.

Steve felt like he couldn't control his body, not in a Vecna has him way but a way that he felt like he was being pulled towards something... or someone.


After what felt like forever of mindless walking Steve heard someone call his name.

"Harrangton?" The voice called sounding confused making Steve finally snapp out of his trance.

"Why do I know that voice?" Steve whispered to himself as he looked around for the owner of the voice.

"Because it's mine!" The person said, suddenly pinning Steve up against the side of a building.

"Munson?!" Steve yelled in disbelief.

"Yep, it's me, in the flesh." Eddie answered with a smirk, showing off his teeth.

"Why do you have fangs?! How are you alive?! I thought... I thought you were dead?" Steve asked, his voice strong in the beginning only to fade away at the end.

"Well I'm full of surprises there Stevey~" Eddie hummed, only confusing Steve more.

"So what are you now? A zombie?" Steve asked as Eddie backed up some, no longer pinning him to the wall.

"I'm a vampire, hints the fangs." Eddie said as he pointed to his large fangs.

"Am I scary?" He asked as he lunged forward once again on hopes to startle Steve.

Steve grabbed Eddie's shoulders and used his own momentum to flip him so Eddie was now the one against the wall.

"No, you don't scare me at least." He answered as Eddie grabbed his wrist.

"Then why is your pulse so fast? Your heartbeat is beating in fear?" Eddie asked with a smirk thinking he was correct.

"No, it's because your kinda cute..." Steve answered, a blush dusting his face.

At his words, Eddie's face too ignited into a blush.

"So I'm only cute now that you thought I was dead and am now a vampire?" He asked as he let go of Steve's wrist, instead cupping his jaw.

"No, I've always thought you were cute. The vampire bit is just a plus. Unless your going to kill me, bite me and suck my blood." Steve said, adding his second sentence as an after thought.

"Well I'm not going to kill you but I don't know about the biting and sucking blood part, I mean if that's what your into~" Eddie teased making Steve roll his eyes with a smile.

"Your actually alive... I can't believe it." Steve said as his brain caught up to speed, his eyes raking up and down the vampire.

"Yes I a-" Eddie was cut off by Steve hugging him tightly, his head barring into Eddie's shoulder.

Eddie was taken aback from the suddenness of the hug but hugged back as soon as his brain registered what was happening.

"Your not going to leave my sight ever again okay?" Steve demanded more then asked as he tightened the hug.

"Okay." Eddie answered in a much calmer voice as he tightened his side of the hug as well.

The two stayed hugging each other -Steve clutching onto Eddie's shirt, scared that if he let go then he would find out this was all a drean- for a while before they heard people yelling Steve's name.

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