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*Hey my lovely readers, i know that the ending of the last chapter was super intense and sad to even think about, if you made it this far, i promise it gets better and thank you for hanging in there*

The first thing I felt was pain. Pain on my scalp from where he gabbed me, pain on my face where he punched me and pain all over my body. That's when it came back to me. That man tried to hurt me. He was going to rape me.

The first thing I heard through the dark haze, were voices. It sounded like different people, guys to be exact, I started to panic what if he came back to finish what he started and brought his friends, I started to cry and I tried to scream but my mouth was very dry

"Everyone out, you're scaring her!" A husky voice demanded and at the same time i heard the sound of shoes hitting the ground and then a door being gently closed. I felt someone gently stroke my hair and gently place a gentle kiss on my forehead "Shh little one, your safe, I'm here princess and no-one will ever touch you again, I promise". It was a soothing voice and all i wanted to do was listen to the voice telling me that I am safe.

"Sleep stellina, il tuo lupo è proprio qui" (your wolf is right here) said the husky voice. I don't know what he said or what language it's in, but it sounded beautiful. I felt someone gently pick me up and place me against something very warm and soothing that felt like someone's chest. I felt so comfortable that i did not question it. I snuggled deeper and someone's arms came around me and wrapped me tight. "la mia principessa"(My princess) someone whispered as i felt a gentle kissed being placed on my forehead. I inhaled the wonderful scent that was coming from him. He smelled of cinnamon and spice. Back home I would watch videos and dream about what I would be like to travel Europe and this scent is the same smell that I would imagine, greeted me if I walked into a French bakery. It smells like coming home. I was almost completely asleep when I felt another soft kiss placed on my head.

I no longer hurt, was the first thought i had as i slowly opened my eyes. Oh my god, am i dead?? i started to panic and as i tried to scream i noticed nothing came out but small noises that sounded like a crying kitten. I glanced down and noticed that my arm was bandaged up and i lifted my hand to my head, which took the biggest effort in my life, I felt bandages on my head and on my face.

Where am I thought and lifted the sheet to see that someone had changed my clothes and i looked clean. I was currently in an oversized tee-shirt, thick wool socks and what looked like black basketball shorts with no underwear.

I started to cry, did that disgusting guy kidnap me to keep me as a slave? Am i going to die here? Oh my god my dad was right. He said that if i ever left Columbia i would not survive, that the people outside would hurt me and kill me and that none would ever remember who i was.

I used to cry at his words and tell myself that he  only said those things to scare me into never leaving home and doing exactly what he wanted.

As i cried, the door suddenly opened and i jumped there he was. "Wolf?" i questioned and for some reason seeing him made me instantly feel safe and in turn i started crying harder. He immediately closed the door behind him and in the blink of an eye he had made it to the bed, picked me up and sat me on his lap rocking me like a child "Principessa, its okay, you are safe baby" he whispered as he pulled my face into his chest and rested his cheek on top of my head.

"Please dont call  me "baby" ,that's what he called me when he hit me and tried to.." I whispered and couldn't even finish the sentence because i started to cry harder.

At the same time I looked into Wolf"s stone cold green eyes that seem to grow harder as he listened to me talk, it was scarier then the look he had given me at the party yet I had never felt safer with anyone before, not even my parents, and I could not comprehend why this was but I would not question it, at least not right now while i was confused and hurting.

"I 'm so sorry for what happened to you, but it will not happen again I promise, no-one will ever hurt you again because I would not let them. You will never leave my sight again"

I cuddled into him and he rocked me, letting me cry until I had no tears left and it wasnt until I had calmed down that i started to process the what he had just said to me. He cant be serious, i thought to myself, we just met, he looked at me like he hated me at that party and aside from the dream I had...I had avoided him and his friends like the plague.

Turns out that he was dead serious and I would not be leaving his side whether i liked it or not...

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