Chapter One

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"Hurry up! You're already late enough!" You heard a shout calling out to you, as you were running. It was from Keqing, who was already waiting for you with your other friends: Venti, Kaeya, Yoimiya and Mona.

"Dang, okay, not my fault that there were lots of cars!" You said taking a deep breath. "Also, isn't Childe supposed to be here?"

"Weeell, he said he can't make it after all since he's got some business to attend to." Venti stated crossing his arms. "No way he's actually busy, and NOW out of all times.." said Mona with a smile on her face, rolling her eyes.

"As far as I'm aware he's in a meeting with Zhongli." The shorter male replied. "Who is Zhongli?" Kaeya suddenly asked. "His boss." Keqing answered shortly. "Oh. Anyways, can we go in now? I didn't come here to just stand." He stated, as he started walking towards the door.

"No, he's got a point. Let's go in guys!" Yoimiya followed with a bright smile on her face, clearly showing that she's very excited. The four of you who were still outside just exchaged a look, and went after them.

• • •

The place wasn't small at all, yet it was almost full with people. Everyone was having the time of their lives with loud music playing, and neon light shining across the building. It was cramped, with almost no oxygine left inside, just like you remembered from your high school days. Although back then you didn't go to bars to drink, instead you went to friends' house for parties that were similar to this, except no alcohol, obviously.

All it took was one step and you got lost in the crowd, losing all of your friends who were just beside you a second ago. Since you were feeling like having a drink, you tried to search for the bar counter, but there were sooo many people that you couldn't see through them.

Are you serious? I don't wanna get even more lost here... Looks like my only chance is to ask someone, hopefully sober...

"Um, hello, excuse me! Do you perhaps know which way the drinks are?" You tried shouting as loud as you can, so the person could hear you. "Yeah bro, look it's over there!" He said looking at you. "...Where is over there?" You asked with a confused face. "There!" He responded, literally lifting you up in the air, so you could see through the crowd. "AAAAAA..haha okay okay I see! Now please put me down." You exclaimed loudly, so he could hear you, and also because you got scared.

You did have a reason to be scared after all. He was tall and pretty muscular, with long white hair not to mention, he just picked you up like that out of nowhere. Despite all this, he definietly didn't look like a bad person, in fact he was a bit familiar.

"Uh, Itto? I didn't know you were here!" you suddenly realized. "Oh, y/n! Yeah I'm out with my gang! Shinobu is also here."  he said proudly.

Back in high school he was one of your upperclassmen, in the same class as Keqing. He got into lots and lots of trouble.

"That's really great! Glad you're enjoying yourself. Thanks for showing me the way, I'll be going there now." you shouted leaving, and you heard him say something back, but couldn't make out what, since you were already gone, and the music was loud.

• • •

"This one, please!" you showed the cocktail you wanted from the menu to the bartender. "Hey, Shikanoin? Could you please make this drink for the lady here? I'm still kinda new and haven't made this yet." you heard the woman shout to someone from behind the counter. "Yeah, sure! Just give me a moment please!" said the faint response. "He'll come and make that for you, okay?" she looked at you giving you a gentle smile, then walked away trying to serve other customers (if she's able to).

It didn't take long before you saw a male walking your way. He was on the shorter side, with a little longer than shoulder lenght hair which looked like it was tied up. "Alright, soooo... What can I get for you?" he leaned closer to you, with a smile on his face, his hands on the counter. "Oh, uh... this one?" you showed on the menu leaning back a litte. "Okay! One second."

You just sat there as you watched him mix the cocktail for you. Your mind was blank right now, all you could do is stare. "So, did you come here alone, or with others?" he suddenly asked, trying to strike up a conversaiton with you. "I came with my friends, but they all dissappeared." you answered in a slightly sad tone. "Dissapeared? As in, are they missing?" You saw his green eyes stare at you curiously.

"No, no! At least I hope not..." you let out a small laugh. "I see. Glad there's nothing wrong then. By the way, I finished making your cocktail. Here, enjoy!" he smiled, giving you the drink. "Ah, thanks. Here's the money."

"Oh, you won't drink more than this?" he questioned. "No, I don't think so. I have a few friends here who get drunk really easily, and I don't want to be the next one that others would have to deal with." you laughed. "Very considerate of you. In any case, if something suspicious happens, be sure to report it to us." he looked at you in the eyes. "Will do!"

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