Reading Someone

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Reading Someone:

- The ability to tell how someone one is feeling, thinking, or wanting. Along with being able to tell if they are lying or telling the truth.


- Sensitive to influences of forces believed to come from beyond the natural world

- Relating to soul or mind

This is more of a psychic ability than a spell however it does come in handy quite often so here is how I do it. I have done and practiced this so much it has become second nature.


Look at the person you want to read.

Pay attention to their body movements. Are they tense, relaxed or standing differently than normal?

If they have their arms crossed or in toward their body typically it's to hide themselves where as when someone is generally feeling confident they will have their arms to their side or away from them.

Are they smiling? Does their laugh sound fake or forced?

If their smile seems real then look in their eyes, the eyes are the gateway to the soul.

When I read someone I get this itching feeling, I then begin to feel how they feel as if we are on the same wave length. I then begin to feel the emotions they are feeling and when the time is right I ask them about it.

Note that not everyone has psychic abilities so not everyone will be able to read someone completely, for me reading someone was one of my first psychic abilities to show up along with being able to see parts of the future. Keep practicing though and you'll get better over time.

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