Eye Color

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Each eye color is unique and you should love your eyes for what they are however I do understand if you wish you had something different. Although there are many ways to change you're eye color this is my favorite as it is temporary and does not make you give up something to receive what you want. For me it worked about a week however it did alter my original eye color a little bit. I've only ever used it twice to change my eye color to purple and hazel. I used to have ocean blue eyes and now I have blue with gold around the center, not much of a change but something new.

For some people this spell may only last a day and for others a month. Have fun with it and no matter what you look amazing either way!


Grab a candle that is the color which you desire (this step is optional)

Cast this spell when you are alone, preferably at night.

Chant the following three or more times while covering your eyes and visualizing your eye color changing:

One, two, three, eyes change for me
One, two, three, (color now) to (new color) I see.

Take a deep breath while you envision yourself with the new eye color, than can be repeated three or more times

By the power of three, so mote it be!

Again visualize your eyes changing from their original color to the new color, then check the mirror. Remember magic only works if you truly believe. Also do not be afraid to give it a few tries, it may not work the first time around. You may also slightly alter the spell to better work for you!

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