Chapter 22 Fighting Voldemort

Start from the beginning

Voldemort hit the floor as the wounds appeared on his chest as if a sword had slashed him there. "You think I won't kill you than you are mistaken." Harry looked left and right as to signal Ron and Hermione. "You know what will happen." He kept talking as he started to walk towards Voldemort. "When I leave here you will be moved on. Why you will have no choice because this place will exists no more, even you are not that powerful to keep the limbo of another person in existence." Voldemort could see harry move towards him and shot minor curses towards him. The bounced of him as if he was invulnerable. What he didn't know that Ron and Hermione were shooting shield charms nonverbally over Harry.
"No keep away, keep away!" Voldemort shouted at Harry. He crawled back and when he wanted to use the killing curse one final time he felt he was hit by a spell from behind.
The stunner that Ginny shot hit him full on his back. He tumbled over and lay motionless on the floor.
Harry walked over to him and used incarcerous on Voldemort to bind him with tight ropes.
He than took his wand and lifted the stupefy only from his head.
"You see." said Harry, "I took your wand again." He than snapped it in two.
"NO," screamed Voldemort. "You little brat when I get out of this you will feel."
"Oh shut it will you." Said Ginny as she came out of her hiding place.
"What is this?" Voldemort now truly looked scared.
"Well you didn't think we would let Harry go alone now did you?" Said Ron as he also came into view.
Hermione followed the other two and when the four were standing in front of him Voldemort knew he was beaten by four teens.
"You tricked me Potter, you are almost as bad and evil as me." Voldemort smilled.
"No I am not." Was all Harry said, "You haven't been listening again Tom. They would not let me go alone. I had no choice in the matter. Oh did you know you were beaten by a seventeen year old young witch." Harry sneered at Voldemort. "I hope you have a good afterlife but I think you will probably will not."
Harry walked away from him and walked over to his friends.
"Well done all of you." Came the voice of Albus Dumbledore. "I will take it from here."
"ALBUS!!!" all four shouted and they ran towards their old headmaster.
They engulfed him in a group hug and the old man smiled at their show of affection.
"Well well, what a welcome."
"We missed you Sir." said Hermione with tears in her eyes. "Talking to you in your frame is not the same."
"I know it has been hard on you four but know you made an old man proud." Dumbledore said. "Now it is time to say goodbye for now. I will always be there for you in my painting. Harry I think because you came back here you know what to do?" Dumbledore asked Harry.
"Yes sir your painting explained everything, and sir thank you." Harry replied. 

The five of them walked over to the bound Voldemort, who at the sight of Dumbledore started to wrestle to get out of the ropes.
"Don't bother Tom." Said Harry, "I know how to do my spells. You won't get free."

"Hello Tom," Said Dumbledore, "it is time for you to move on."
"No keep away,"  Said Voldemort. "I can't die. I am immortal. You can not defeat me Potter." Harry walked over to the scared man that once was his nemesis.
Knelled beside him and touched the mans shoulders.  At his touch Voldemort screamed out loud as if he was in great pain.
"You know Tom," Harry said, "I understand now why you did it all. You were so afraid of death you had no choice. You needed an escape. Before I let Albus take you away from here I want you to know that I forgive you for what you have done. You shaped me as who I am and for that I am grateful, but know this you could have won if you had not killed my parents and let me live with them. So in the end you killed yourself."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Voldemort cried, "you lie, all lies."
The man was finally broken and he could not go on anymore. Harry stood up and walked over top his friends.
"Okay Albus we are ready." He said.
One by one they hugged their former headmaster and disappeared from sight as they disconnected from Harry's mind and by that from his limbo.
At the end Harry was alone with Albus and Voldemort.  

"What now?" asked Harry.
"Where do I go from here without you?"
"Harry you know very well that I never leave you." Said Albus.
"I love you as I would love my own son or grandson so never think I will ever leave you. As for not seeing me you can always talk to me at Hogwarts. My painting will always be available for you. I know it is not the same but you have a whole life to live. Now go and leave this limbo and let us go on."
At this Harry smiled at Albus and nodded he closed his eyes and thought of the love he felt for the man standing beside him.
He opened his eyes again and Albus was gone. 

He was alone with Voldemort 

"You know Harry I will remain here forever and you will never have a moment of peace." Voldemort said with a sneer. "I will regain my strength and I will get out of these ropes."
Harry walked over towards Voldemort and when he was standing beside him he could see the blood coming through the ropes.
"You forget the spell I hit you with." He said to Voldemort. "You lost almost all the blood you can loose without fainting, I will spare you the rest of the pain, but look at this place."
As Voldemort looked around he could see the white King's Cross station was slowly dissolving into nothingness. 

"Goodbye Tom." Said Harry and he too was gone.
Voldemort was left alone in a world that was slowly dissolving around him.
He knew than it was all over he had lost. This was finally the end of it.
When all was black around him he only could hear his own thoughts.
He was defeated by teens. Harry Potter had defeated him in the end.
And than it all was quit. 

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione all woke up at the same time.
Sirius and George were standing guard and looked at them with relief in there eyes. 

"What happened, how did it go?" they both asked at the same time.
"It is over," said Harry, "it is finally over."

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