Arc 2 : Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Are you in some need of assistance?"

Before he could say more, the door of the same building opened once again by a large man with a jagged scar going across his right eye.

"Hey, old guy, where the hell did you blow in from?" The ruffian confronted Sebas.

Putting away the scroll he purchased at the guild, Sebas grabbed the man up with ease before accosting him about the girl.

"S-she's one of our employees!"

"So you did this to her with full knowledge that she is human, did you?And what are you going to do with her now?"

"Take her to the temple, because she's sick," he voiced out struggling against Sebas' firm hold.

"Then you will not have a problem if I take her away," Sebas commented tossing him roughly to the ground.

"L-legally speaking, she belongs to us! If you take her away, it would be kidnapping! What is a butler like you getting mixed up in things behind your master's back !"

"Do you want me to help you?" He said looking at the girl.

The blonde haired girl raised her beaten face and struggled to form words from her dried out and chapped lips.

"I am not inclined to help a person at my feet who can only pray for salvation to come, like a plant, showered upon by the rains falling from the heavens. However, if you are someone struggling to live...forget about the terror and go to sleep," Sebas stated closing her eyes.

"You are now under my protection." Sebas reassured.

"Like hell! I didn't agree to this!" The ruffian voiced his disapproval.

Sebastian picked up the sacked girl paying no mind to the displeasure of the man.

"You can't take her. You know them don't you? Eight fingers? The ones who control the kingdom behind the scenes? So you get it? I'm begging you to pretend you didn't see anything!"

"I am taking her with me."

"Come on, have a heart! I'll be killed!"

Sebas took a pouch of platinum coins and threw it at the feet of the man.

"Take the money and hire an adventurer or something. That should be more than enough to flee the country." A so he was off with a new companion.


"Welcome back lord Seba-" Solution started only to pause at the sight of the human within Sebas's arms.

"Sebas-sama, what is that?"

"I found her"

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