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    He Quanlian secretly put the plan to join the port mafia on the agenda.

    But after he said goodbye to Nakahara Nakaya and Dazai Osamu, he stayed in Tokyo all the time and never turned into a phantom thief to disturb the situation.

    Because now he has more important things to accomplish than any mafia.

    —Yes, that is the final exam once a semester!

    As a diligent high school student, her studies are the top priority, and even if He Quanlian has a little more knowledge, she still doesn't dare to have absolute confidence in her high school papers.

    But as a sunny and cheerful courtesan, it is absolutely impossible for him to be held back by such things as studies.

    Therefore, He Quanlian spent almost a week immersing herself in supplementing knowledge, just to be able to rank at the top of the school year.

    And the final result made him very satisfied.

    It was just that many survival points were wasted in vain, causing his survival points to decline rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon reached the brink of danger.

    However, the benefits of staying in the academy at this time have been successfully reflected. The friends around him are all target characters, and he can choose to supplement at will, without having to spend a lot of time using the image of the phantom thief.


    No, when he was packing his schoolbag after school, Kazui Lian casually approached Nozaki Umetaro in the back and said, "Do you have any clothes you like but can't wear right now, can you lend me some time?

    " Um..." Hearing this, Nozaki Umetaro, who had just put the book in his schoolbag, raised his head and pondered for a while, and suddenly tapped the palm of his hand, "Okay, come to my house."

    "Thank you very much!" He Quanlian immediately frowned. He smiled happily at him.

    Look, survival points are so easy to get.

    However, this happy mood turned blank in the blink of an eye after seeing the treasured clothes Nozaki Umetaro took out of the closet.

    A roar of thunder slammed down, splitting He Quanlian to the outside and the inside tender.


    He looked at the fluffy fabric in front of him, the curvaceous waist line, the well-tailored little skirt... and put his hand on his cheek suddenly.

    ...Isn't this a sailor suit? !

    He Quanlian's eyes widened, and her arms were trembling slightly in shock.

    I have to say, seeing the sailor suit worn by such a cute girl from the home of a tough guy, He Quanlian was shocked to the extreme. This shock is no less than the feeling she felt when she saw the big guy in women's clothing enter the men's toilet.

    Nozaki... he still has such an interest! Is this the world of modern high school students...it's scary!


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