Chapter 2

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Olivia's POV

When I woke up I decided that I would go home and get some sleep. As I was about to leave I heard someone clearing their throat. When I turned around I see Lewis sitting there playing with a pocket knife. I slowly back up towards the door trying to get as close as I can. Soon he realized what I was doing and threw the knife at me. I managed to catch the knife with a pillow and throw it back at him. Then I ran out of the cribs to my office to get my things. While I was running to my office I bumped into Fin. As I tried to run to my office Fin grabbed my arm and asked me why my clothes were on backwards. I was so confused; I had no clue what happened while I was sleep.

Fin's POV

After I asked her why her clothes were on backwards Liv's face went from scared to confuse. So I grabbed Liv and we walked to her office. Once we sat down she started rambling about things that made no sense. Then she said something that caught my attention. She said her underwear and socks were gone. Before I could say anything me and Liv's phone went off. We were stuck in a group chat with a news broadcaster, an unknown number, 1PP, IAB, Amanda, Nick, and Elliot.

Olivia's POV

Once I got to my phone I see I was in a group chat with Fin, Nick, Amanda, 1PP, IAB, an unknown number, a news broadcaster, and a number I didn't recognize. As I was trying to figure out who was last number two videos popped up. They were both named Detective Benson. I clicked on the first video and it was the same one from this morning. Before I could look at the second one I started to get calls from 1PP, IAB, Nick, New reporter, and Amanda. I didn't want to talk to anyone so I turned my phone off. While I was sitting down thinking about what just happen Fin came running into my office saying we have a problem.

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