Chapter 8

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After sorting was finished, food appeared on the table and everyone dug in. Well, some ate like actual human beings aka everyone but the Gryffindors. "So, how was the train ride, Flower?" Draco asked, taking a sip from his goblet. "It was alright. The Weasley twins were good company." Primrose replied, taking a small bite of mashed potatoes. "Are you sure they can be trusted?" Draco asked. The Weasley family wasn't well liked and for good reason, so it was understandable that Draco was suspicious. But Primrose wasn't one to judge from first glance. "Trust me, Dragon. I'll tell you later. Can never know who's listening in." Primrose responded, taking a drink out of her own goblet.

Once dinner was over, the house Prefect led them to their common room. The Slytherin common room was down in the dungeons and Primrose loved it. She liked that their common room was in a completely different spot than the other houses and she knew they wouldn't dare come down here. The common room was a gorgeous mix of silver, green, and black. She felt the blood she shared with Salazar Slytherin warming with joy that she was in that particular house while her Gryffindor blood was less pleased but still happy for her.

Severus Snape, the head of the house, walked into the common room behind them. "Welcome to the Slytherin common room, first years. Contrary to popular belief, this house is based on trust. Trust your house mates, your Prefects, and trust in me. Everyone believes that Slytherins are bad people, but that is not always true. The other houses despise this house and you will learn just how harsh they can be. Now, if you choose to do anything that could cost us House Points, do not get caught. On the bulletin board is the bed accommodations. Boys will room with boys and girls with girls. Find your room number, and make sure all your items are present. And remember, 'You'll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends.' Lights out at 10 o'clock every evening. Have a good first night." As Severus spoke, Primrose couldn't help but find him familiar. She knew he was Draco's and now her Godfather, but she swore she had met him before.

She brushed the feeling off for now and went to go find her room. She didn't want to take too long so the moment she saw what room number that was next to her name, she went off to find it. She was in room three. Primrose briskly walked up the steps and pushed open the door to a rectangular room. There were three beds, all up against the wall with a furnace in the middle. There was another door opposite the main door which Primrose assumed was the bathroom. Primrose's items were by the bed closest to the bathroom door.

She began to set up Nyx' cage and returned him to his actual size and let him perch outside his cage. There was a nightstand by her bed and she began to set up her area. She put the ring boxes for all her heiress rings in the drawer along with her hairbrush, journal, pen, and other knick-knacks. She pulled out her toothbrush and toothpaste and set them in a cup on top of the nightstand for later use. As she was pulling out some clothes to change into, two girls walked into the room. They stopped short when they saw Primrose.

Primrose set down her night clothes on her bed and moved to greet them. "Good evening. I'm Primrose Potter. Lovely to meet you." She said, giving them a small bow with her head. The two girls seemed surprised by her formal greeting. "Hello, I'm Eleanor Mogley and this is my younger twin sister, Janora. Lovely to meet you as well." Primrose smiled at them, "I was wondering why you two looked so similar." Janora smiled at me. "We get that a lot. We're not identical twins but we're pretty close."

Primrose returned the smile. "Well, I'll let you two get to unpacking. I'm going to change real quick and head downstairs till lights out." The girls smiled back at her and went to their respective beds. Primrose grabbed her large nightshirt that she had stolen from Tom and her black shorts and headed to the bathroom to change. She finished changing and brushed her teeth before she grabbed a blanket she brought from home along with her journal and pen before she headed downstairs to the main area. Draco was already sitting on one of the couches already and waiting for her. She plopped down next to him, which startled him. "Bloody hell, Potter." He exclaimed, smacking her arm playfully. Primrose giggled and threw the blanket over them.

"You should have been more aware, Malfoy." Primrose replied. Draco rolled his eyes playfully at his best friend. "Hey, what is that?" Draco asked, pointing at the journal Primrose had in her hand. "Oh, Tommy gave me this. It's so I can write and talk to him and he can respond back." She explained, opening the journal to show him their conversation from earlier that day. "Can we talk to him now?" Draco asked. Primrose nodded and flipped to a new page.

"Good evening, Tommy. Are you busy?" Primrose wrote. She didn't want to disturb him if he was doing anything important. It took a few moments, but Tom wrote back.

"Good evening, Rosie. Not currently. Is everything alright?" Primrose could feel the concern from his question and smiled.

"Everything is alright. I just wanted to tell you about my day. Oh, and Draco is with me. Say hi." Primrose wrote, almost forgetting Draco was sitting there.

"Hello, Draco." Tom wrote. Primrose gave her pen to Draco so he could write.

"Hi Uncle Tom." Draco wrote. His handwriting was much different than Primrose's. She wrote in cursive and small, while he wrote a bit bigger and in normal writing.

"So, tell me about your first day at Hogwarts." Tom wrote, getting back to the original subject. Primrose smiled and began to write. She told him about her meeting the Weasley twins and how she knew she could trust them, then about the encounter with their younger brother on the stairs. When she got to that part, Draco took the pen away and added onto it, saying how arrogant and stupid Ronald was. Primrose took the pen back and continued on. She wrote about the sorting and how Draco's went.

"It didn't even touch your head?" Tom asked. Primrose giggled a little, she could hear his tone in her head clear as day.

"Yup. It knew immediately where I belonged." Draco wrote, a proud aura surrounded him. Primrose rolled her eyes and continued on with her sorting.

"You're in Slytherin as well? Dumbledore must be sweating in his trousers." Tom wrote.

"Probably. I bet you, within the week, he's going to ask me to be re-sorted." Primrose wrote.

"I guarantee it. He'll probably try to convince you by using your parents against you." Tom replied. She could feel his firm tone through the paper.

Primrose continued writing about when they got to the common room and what Severus said about trusting people within the house.

"I don't think he even knows he's my god father." Primrose said with a solemn tone.

"I'm not really surprised. He thought Lily hated him after what he said to her and that he joined me before she knew the truth. I doubt she even had any chance to tell him." Tom replied. Primrose sighed.

"I really hope he doesn't treat me horribly because of my father." Primrose sighed. She knew how horrid her father had been to Severus. But she was in no way her father. Yes she was a very proud person but it didn't push her to bully or belittle others unless she really hated them.

"It would be a toss up. He won't treat you horribly in front of others since you're in Slytherin, but he might be more passive aggressive." Draco wrote. He would have said it out loud but he didn't want to exclude Tom from the conversation.

"That is true, Draco. Rosie, just do what you do best and get him to see past those old feelings. He'll come around. And if he doesn't, I'll handle it." Tom wrote. Primrose smiled. Tom didn''t often act like a parent to her, more of an older brother, but when he did, she felt so loved.

"Okay, I'll try. He's more stubborn than you sometimes. It's almost lights out. I'll write you tomorrow. Goodnight, Tommy." Primrose smiled.

"Goodnight, Uncle Tom." Draco wrote.

"You may be right, Rosie. Goodnight you too. Sleep well." Tom replied. And with that, Primrose and Draco were off to bed. Classes wouldn't start for another day so they weren't worried about getting up early. Tomorrow, they would explore the school and the grounds to find a special spot for them to hang out. Until then, it was time for bed. 

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