Chapter 6

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After gathering her heir rings and a bottomless bag of a sufficient amount of Galleons, sickles, and knuts, the party of three went to the area of the bank to perform the spells to remove the blocks and potions from Primrose's person. Primrose sat on the floor in the middle of a sigil. Three goblins surrounded her and began mumbling in latin. Primrose could feel their magic, along with the house wizards and the Potter, Black, and Pervelle magic working to remove all the foreign things.

Primrose soon passed out due to the magic exertion and pain of the removal. She then woke up in a small infirmary within the bank, Tom sitting next to her awaiting her. Once he noticed she was awake, he smiled.

"How long was I out for?" Primrose asked, groaning. "Only an hour." Tom replied, stroking her hair. "How do you feel?" Tom asked, helping her sit up. "All things considered, good. Except for the fact that I remember everything that I was supposed to forget that night." Primrose answered, giving as little information as she could but enough to get the point across.

Tom nodded in understanding. "How do you feel about going out and gathering your supplies?" he asked as he helped Primrose stand. "I believe it is the best idea to get it all done today. I would like to check in with Gornuk before we leave." Primrose responded. Tom nodded and they headed for Gornuk's office. Once they entered, Gornuk looked at them surprised.

"Is there a reason you're looking at me like I have two heads?" Primrose asked, slightly joking. "No ma'am. It's just rare to see someone awaken from your state so quickly when having so many potions and blocks on them." Gornuk answered. "Understandable." Primrose nodded as she sat in one of the chairs in front of Gornuk's desk, Tom following suit. "How is the removal of my magical guardian coming along?" Primrose inquired.

"It was finished within the hour you were resting. We are also in the process of retrieving all of your stolen money, which we tracked to being given to a Weasley family and Granger family." Gornuk answered, his tone grave. Goblins don't take theft lightly, especially when they don't know about it. Primrose sighed angrily. "Thank you, Gornuk. My friend and I will be taking our leave so I can gather my school supplies. I wish for you to send me updates if you would and to please go through my fan mail incase of foreign potions or spells that could cause potential harm." Primrose instructed. "Of course ma'am. And I wish you well." Gornuk responded. "I wish you well." Primrose said before she and Tom left his office and the bank.

Just as when they walked in, the Goblins, who were scuttling around, slowed their movements. This time, they felt more magic energy coming from Primrose. It was so powerful that some of them became worried and shivered at her power. Primrose caught that and hid her magical energy low enough to the amount she had before. She didn't want people knowing of her power level and wanted to do her best to seem invisible. Which would be difficult since she was the girl-who-lived and was 'gorgeous'.

Primrose pulled out her school supply list and looked it over before walking down Diagon Alley. Tom and Primrose passed all of the shops that most students went to when gathering their supplies before entering Madam Malkins. "Will you be getting the full female uniform or a mix of both?" Tom asked. Primrose rarely wore skirts since she disliked being so exposed. "I'll get the full female uniform and buy some pants of the same caliber later on." Primrose responded after a moment of thought. If she were to wear a skirt she would always wear black tights underneath. The pants were just for the days she didn't feel like wearing a skirt.

Once they walked into the shop, a woman walked right up to the pair. She was bubbly and full of smiles. "Hello young one. Are you here for your Hogwarts robes?" She asked energetically. Primrose smiled softly. "Yes. I wish to have seven pairs of the traditional robes. Two cloaks and two winter cloaks, if you could." Primrose responded. "Of course, dear. Now why don't you stand over there and I'll get your measurements." The worker said, motioning to a small platform to stand on with a tri-mirror behind it. Primrose nodded and Tom helped her onto the platform before stepping aside.

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