"Another rough night?" Scarlett peaks over at the table at him.

"I think I'm dying." He barely makes a clear sentence with his cheek smushed into the leather seat.

"You said that yesterday morning," Dez says.

"I'm serious this time."

"Listen, I get you're in this whole 'I'm going to destroy myself so I don't feel anything' phase but I think we should start setting you some boundaries," I add.

"Fuck off."

I look at Niall, who shrugs. "You tried."

Louis flips around to lay on his back, propping his head up against the wall and taking out his cigarettes. "I'm not destroying myself," he takes the first drag before speaking again with swaying hands. "I'm simply...you know...living free or whatever."

"You smell like shit." Dez says.

"You look like shit." Scarlett adds.

"Appreciated." He says under his breath.

"Give the guy a break. He's getting more play than anyone. If anything, all of you should be taking notes."

"Excuse me but I'm getting just as much ass as that train wreck, thank you." Scarlett says while pointing at Louis as the train wreck.

"Yeah me too, so speak for yourself." Dez adds.

"Who are you fucking?" Niall furrows his brows at Dez specifically.

"That's none of your business." She chuckles while polishing glasses.

"Are you jealous?" I nudge Niall.

"No—I–She just never leaves this bar."

"He's definitely jealous," Scarlett murmurs.

"Definitely." I add.

"Fuck off, I was just asking a question."

"Your cheeks are getting rosy." Louis points.

"Find, I take it back. You do look and smell like shit." Niall snaps back at him.

Louis smirks into his cigarette knowing he's getting a rise out of Niall, not something that's easy come by. Usually, Niall's the one prodding at everyone else. It's fun to see him in the hot seat.

"Anyway, are you guys coming to the thing next week?" Scarlett states.

"What thing?"

"Scarlett...they're fugitives." Dez shakes her head.

"So? They hangout here every night, what's the difference?"

Dez huffs, "It's a party being held on the upper east side. It's a glow-in-the-dark-themed house thing. She thinks because it's going to be mainly dark that no one will recognize you."

"A party?"

"A big party. It's at one of those fancy multi-level townhouses. There's a pool and everything." Scarlett explains.

"I'll pass." I shake my head.

"I'll go." Niall nods.

"What! You can't."

"Why not? It's glow-in-the-dark, right? Probably the best theme for me to take part in."

"I'll go too." Louis nods.

"Are you guys insane?" I shake my head.

"Lighten up, we will go late when everyone's hammered and leave before it dies down."

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