Sandalwood & Vanilla

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There had to be a moment where Penelope's luck would run out and reality would show it's ugly self. In order for the universe to ensure balance, Penelope's heart couldn't stay intact for too long. On an unassuming night nearing the end of her third season; one so-called gentleman would shatter her faith in happy endings and tear away at her newfound confidence.

Pen silently snuck away from the business of the Featherington ballroom and sought reprieve in one of the empty rooms. To her knowledge she went unnoticed, as always, which allowed her plenty of time to escape the watchful stares of judgmental people. She gained a good deal of confidence this season, most of the thanks could go to Colin who wanted to get back into her good graces. However, some of the ton seemed to dislike Penelope's newfound popularity and confidence. The attention was exhausting.

Penelope gained the interest of a few amiable men which was something to adjust to. One of those men being Mr. Marcus Anderson, a charming but intense man. Mr. Anderson quickly caught Penelope's attention and charmed his way into her mothers heart. Just the other day Mr. Anderson proposed marriage to Penelope in the quiet of the Featherington drawing room. Colin had been chaperoning this visit as he did all the previous ones. After a tense moment of silence and many failed attempts to catch Colin's eyes, Penelope rejected the proposal. Colin was kind enough to walk with Mr. Anderson out and allow Penelope the rest of the afternoon to be spent alone.

Penelope sought to avoid all suitors and one Colin Bridgerton all evening. Unfortunately it seemed her escape had not gone unnoticed as she heard the door open from behind her. She whipped around to find the intimidating outline of Mr. Anderson in the dim lighting of the room. The ominous click of the door closing solidified the sinking feeling in Penelope's stomach.
"M-Mr. Anderson it is highly improper for you to be in here...alone...with me." The red head filled the deafening silence.
"I do not believe we were finished with our conversation from the previous day." Mr. Anderson replied with a step forward.
Penelope held her breath to contain her nervous frustration.
"Mr. Anderson, I apologize, but I do believe I rejected your proposal and I will not be persuaded otherwise." She bravely stood her ground.
The silence following that suffocated her. The sound of the man's shoes slowly coming closer only made her dizzier.
"You see, Miss Featherington" he began in a sneer; "I can generously forget about your little, mistake, from the other day. But I will not forgive another."
Penelope took a few steps backwards before hitting her back against a table in the far corner of the room.
"I must ask you to leave Mr. Anderson." She replied.
"No one will ever love you, Penelope Featherington, no one. You are better off marrying me now lest you subject yourself to a sad and lonely life of spinsterhood." The man spat out with increasing intensity.
Before Penelope could react the man grabbed hold of her waist in an attempt to compromise her. The door to the room slammed open and in a flurry of black and blue waistcoats Mr. Anderson was pried off of her and thrown onto the closest wall.
Penelope's vision was blurred with tears. She wiped away at her eyes to witness the action in the dimly lit room. Once her vision cleared she could make out her hero. It was none other than her dearest friend, Colin Bridgerton. He had Mr. Anderson pinned between his arm and the wall.
"In case you are incapable of understanding simple words; Miss Featherington has said no." He spat at the offending man. Mr. Anderson squirmed beneath the weight of Colin's hold, scrambling pathetically to avoid the Bridgertons threatening glare. Colin shoved the offender harder into the wall with a growl.
"If I ever see you so much as look at her again; I will ruin you. You do not deserve to witness the beauty and wonder that is Penelope Featherington." The Bridgerton snarled through gritted teeth. With a final shove, Colin allowed the other man to escape the wall. Penelope looked back and forth between the men but got stuck on Colin's emotional face.
"One more are wrong. Pen is the most lovable person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. It is you who will be living a sad and lonely life with no one to love them." Colin declared to the retreating man. "Now leave. And never let me see you near her again." He shouted to him.
The moments following were heavy as Colin caught his breath and Pen slowed her racing heart. After what felt like hours, Colin turned to Penelope with a determined face and gentle hands. He hesitantly placed a hand on her arm. "Pen...are you alright?" He asked.
Penelope held back her tears and shakily nodded her head in response. To her dismay, Colin saw right through her and bent down to catch her watering eyes.
"It's alright. I won't let him near you. Never again." Colin said assuredly.
With all her resolve crumbling around her, she reached out to her friend and was welcomed into a comforting and strong embrace. The smell of sandalwood and vanilla wrapped her in a blanket of safety. The tears escaped her eyes and her shoulders shook without her permission, but Colin didn't seem to mind. He's so good, she thought amidst her cloudy thoughts and quickly tiring mind.

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