flowers and butterflies (zenitsu)

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It was the Middle of the night and zenitsu couldn't sleep, not because of being scared.. he just wasnt tired.

He sat on his bed and looked around for just something to do, he kinda felt younger.. like 7 maybe? He got up and quietly walked out of the room he was in and just wandered around the house, soon he started to feel even younger. He waddles around the house not really caring if anyone wakes up, he starts walking back to the room to get some of his littlespace stuff cause he knew he needed it. By the time he gets to the room he feels like he is 5-4 already. He grabs a stuffed bunny and holds it by the arm as he also grabs a pacifier. He looks over at his sleeping friends and wants to play with them, knowing they are sleeping he doesn't bother waking them up. He'll just play with them in the morning.
He waddles out of the room hugging his bunny and suckling on his pacifier, He wanders around kinda slowly because he's starting to feel way younger around 3-2. His legs wabble as he takes each step. He decided he wants to go in the room and play with his bunny. He wabbles to the room being careful not to fall, he makes his way to the room. Once he gets there He opens the door, walks in, and sits in a corner of the room. He begins to play with the bunny, He giggles as he makes the bunny do something funny. Just now he became non verbal as he felt 1-2. Usually his littlespace would stay near 2-8 but this time he felt way younger.. he kept playing ignoring what was going on around him. He yawned and started to feel tired.
He hugged the stuffy and suckled on the pacifier, He slowly fell asleep leaning against the wall.

In the morning zenitsu woke up before anyone else did. Usually whenever he fell asleep in littlespace he wakes up big.. but thats not the case right now, he feels a bit bigger around 3 but still. He looks for his pacifier that fell out of his mouth and finds it on the floor beside him. He pops it in his mouth and hugs the bunny as he exits the room again waddling around, being the curious little he is he decided to go outside. He saw a whole bunch of butterflys and pretty flowers. He goes outside, barefoot and walks around. He comes around to the front of the house and sees Shinobu talking with a pretty girl. She had pink and green braids and a kinda revealing uniform. He shrugged it off and went to pick flowers for his friends. He picked three flowers for each of them. He got flowers for tanjiro, inosuke, Shinobu, that pretty girl, and nezuko. He heard Shinobu and mitsuri walk towards him, he turned around and they saw that he was a little. They both kinda stared for a bit out of shock but quickly realized what was happening "Kya!! Hes so cute!!" The pink haired girl said kneeling down to zenitsu. Zenitsu giggled and hugs his stuffie Shinobu also kneeled down "I had no clue he was a little." Zenitsu gave the flowers to both of them "awhh! Thank you zenitsu!" Mitsuri said patting his head. inosuke then bursts through the doors with tanjiro following behind. "HEY PONGONCHIRO FIGHT ME" they all look over and see inosuke yelling at tanjiro. Zenitsu giggles at the sight of inosuke's mask. He reaches his hands out toward inosuke just to look at the mask. Inosuke and tanjiro notice zenitsu reaching his hands out to inosuke, Inosuke walks over kinda confused and kneels down. Zenitsu pats inosuke's head and giggles. Inosuke takes off his mask and sets it on the floor so zenitsu can look at it. "Miss Shinobu can I say something?" Shinobu gets back up as inosuke and zenitsu play.
"Hes been like this since last night.. is there anything wrong? I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom and saw him playing with that stuffed bunny" Shinobu looks over to zenitsu then back at tanjiro "he has littlespace! Basically he reverts into the mind of a child as a coping mechanism" tanjiro thinks for a minute "I was just worried about him but thank you for telling me. I'm surprised inosuke is being a lot more gentle with zenitsu"

They all play with zenitsu for a while (it's now afternoon)

Zenitsu starts feeling way younger about 1-2, he started wanting his bottle but didn't know how to say it. "Do you want something zenitsu?" Zenitsu looked at mitsuri "baba!.." she didn't know what he was referring to "what does he want?" Tanjiro asked "he said "baba" but I don't know what he means" mitsuri said still thinking of what he means "I think he means a bottle!" Tanjiro walks over to zenitsu and picks him up knowing hes too mentally young to walk. He takes zenitsu to his room and sets him on his bed, zenitsu makes grabby hands to the pillow on his bed. Tanjiro walks over and lifts the pillow. He takes the bottle and puts the pillow back. "I'm gonna go make this for you okay? So just stay here!" Everyone else walked into the room zenitsu was in and saw him playing with his stuffed bunny. A couple minutes later Tanjiro walks in holding a bottle of milk "Shinobu do you know how to do this?" Tanjiro asks not knowing how to do it, "yes I do!" Tanjiro hands the bottle to Shinobu. Shinobu takes the pacifier out of zenitsu's mouth and picks him up on to her lap, she puts the bottle in his mouth. He starts drinking and slowly starts to fall asleep "awww!" They all coo at zenitsu as he falls asleep. Shinobu takes the bottle out of his mouth and sets him on the bed. He sleeps peacefully for about an hour.
he wakes up and he doesn't feel little anymore, He rubs his eyes and remembers what happened, He smiles knowing they all except him, he starts to walk to the main room. he sees that mitsuri left and Shinobu is probably with her. "Hey, uh tanjiro and inosuke.." tanjiro and inosuke look over and see zenitsu, "hi zenitsu! Did you sleep fine?" Zenitsu nods kinda embarrassed because his friends had to take care of him. "Uh.. thanks for watching me while I was regressing.. it means a lot to me" zenitsu looks down and fiddles with his fingers "sorry if I caused you any trouble.." zenitsu says still looking down. "You didn't cause any trouble! Honestly it was cute!" Inosuke agrees making zenitsu more embarrassed. "Thank you guys so much.."

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