forgotten plans (langa)

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Requested by: Piggy2021 (thank you for your request!)

'im kind of bored..' reki thought as he watched the boring math lesson the teacher was giving.
*Ring* the bell rang as everyone got up and rushed toward the door going to their friends. "Langa wanna hangout today?" Reki asked as they all started getting ready to go outside, "oh uh sure." Langa said, they were both tired and bored from the long math lesson. "Do you want to hangout at my place?" Langa said as they both made plans to go to langas place. "The front door is usually always unlocked so you can just come right in."
They went outside and up to the rooftop as they talked about random skateboarding tricks they want to learn.

By the end of school langa had forgotten all about the plans they made earlier so he just went home.
He soon arrived at his house and went to his room. He got dressed in a blue onesie, and grabbed his stuffed animal and his pacifier.
He sat on his bed hugging the stuffie and suckling on his pacifier watching a cartoon.

The time flys by as Langa sits and watches his cartoon. Langa giggles as a funny part in his show passes. Just then Langas door flys open scaring langa.

Reki pov:
I hear a cartoon play in the room as I also hear a small giggle
Thinking nothing of it I burst the door open and look over to langas bed. He's wearing a blue onesie hugging a stuffed animal with a pacifier in his mouth?.. on top of that he looks terrified because of the sudden noise from the door opening.

Langas pov:
The door burst open, scaring me..
I begin to cry as he stares at me. Why, out of all the times he chose to come, he had to come this time?
He walks over to me "hey, are you okay langa?" That question makes me feel sadder for some reason. I shake my head no, I don't want to be here.
My mind wanders and wanders about all the things he's probably thinking, 'ew why is he like that'
'he's weird'

Third person pov:

He begins to cry more as he doesn't want his best friend to leave him, "langa are you listening?" He finally stops overthinking as he finally hears his friends voice. He looks up still somewhat crying.
"It's okay langa, don't overthink anything, I'm here." Langa wipes his tears with his sleeves and hugs reki, "although I have no experience with being a caregiver, would you like me to be your caregiver?" Langa nods his head and says "mhm" as a response. Letting go of the hug he begins to watch his show again but this time with reki.
Langa slowly starts to get tired and soon enough he falls asleep. Reki smiles as he gets up and puts the blanket over top of langa, he shuts the tv off and leaves quietly closing the door making sure to not wake langa up. He leaves and starts to head outside.

Sorry for the late post I was kind of busy with last minute stuff! And sorry for the short story, I really wish I could make it longer but I can't because I don't have any ideas atm.

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