"Jungkook was almost killed! Can't you see how much of a loss that would've been for us?! We are human! We almost lost our soulmate forever—hell soulmates. Look at her hands! Her heartrate dropped during surgery and you're worried about the fans wanting refunds?!" Tae yells, and JK and Jimin comfort him.

"We haven't even had time to wrap our heads around what happened. We need time, and if the "fans" can't understand that then they aren't fans in the first place. They saw what happened, so if they still want refunds then so be it," Jimin says.

"Our top priority is not them, not the company—it's each other and until we deem all 8 of us are okay, we won't be going on tour," Joon says.

Mr. Choi runs his hands across his face stressedly, his and the other executives' gazes flickering to her as if awaiting her answer.

"You want to know if I'm apologizing right? But have any of you really taken time to ask why exactly?" she asks, receiving no responses, just uncomfortable shifting and gazes finding the wood table in front of them rather interesting all of a sudden.

"No? Allow me to put it into perspective for you. I'm expected to apologize yet I'm literally sitting up here after damn near dying in surgery mere days ago, both my hands bandaged, and my mental health fucked—all of which was caused by a girl hired by your company. She's the criminal who fixated on JK, made a website about it, hacked his schedule, and attempted to murder him in front of me! I'm expecting to apologize because I'm living in a society where even though the truth is as plain as day, I am still painted the villain because as a woman and a person of color I cannot be painted a victim. Even when there's video evidence of truly diabolical behavior on display for the masses, I still get handed the role of the angry black woman and should apologize for my brutal and excessive acts of violence even against evil itself—

"Ms. Song. I assure you it's not about—" Mr.Choi starts, but she cuts him off.

"Don't you dare fix your mouth to say that this isn't what it's about! This is exactly what it's about! Had the tables been turned and it was a fully Korean woman in my shoes, she would be a fucking National hero and we all know it! It's complete bullshit—and you all wonder why we're angry. I will not apologize for defending my soulmate. I would do it a thousand more times if I had to and I don't give a fuck who frowns upon it—who looks down on me because of it. Nothing but the cold, hard truth is leaving my mouth concerning this situation and I don't care where that leaves the company. I will never not be true to who I am and what I represent. With that being said, this meeting is over and you can all leave. I don't think we have anything further to discuss," she finishes.

"You're all going to regret this," Mr. Choi warns as he places his papers back in his briefcase.

The table erupts in angry rebuttals, not liking his tone nor the way they decided to handle this in the first place.

"I'm not going to regret a damned thing. The company needed me, not the other way around. Paint me in whatever light you want, but tread carefully when it comes to my name. One snap of a finger and I'll buy myself out of all my contracts. Make me a villain and I'll show you some villainous shit," Luna spits.

"And no matter what you can't fire us all. You'll be long gone before that's even an option. Concert ticket refunds would be the least of your concerns," Hobi says on his way to open the door and see them out.

"Family meeting!" Jin calls, stopping Luna in her tracks as she was already about halfway up the stairs, angry tears blurring her vision.

Upon seeing her tears, Joon pulls her into his chest, resting his hand on her head as she cried.

"You have every right to be angry Lu. It fucking sucks that you're always given the short end of the stick just because of something as insignificant as skin color. I'm glad you spoke your mind and called them out on it. You inspire us to do the same for ourselves. Before you, we would've never taken a stance and stood firm like we did today. Never change Lu," he says, wiping her tears with his thumbs.

JK hugs her from behind and they stay like that until she pulls herself together. The three head over to the couch where JK pulls her down to sit on his lap, her legs across Hobi and Tae who both look at her sadly.

"You okay Princess?" Jin asks and she hesitates before answering.

"I don't even know how to answer that right now so I'll just say I'm not emotionally overwhelmed like I was before," she sighs and he nods.

"That's what I wanted to talk about. What happened to you two affected us all—some more than others. I think we should look into booking some therapy sessions," he says, looking around at everyone.

"Looks like no one is opposed. Until then though, is there anything anyone wants to discuss? We could confide in each other too. We need each other now more than ever," Joon says, looking down at Jimin who had tucked himself into his side.

"Ever since that day, I've been...it's hard to explain. I'm sure you've all felt it at some point. It's something deeper and more complex than anger. I felt a different level of helpless that day and it's weighing on me," Yoongi speaks up first.

"I've felt a little darker myself lately," Jin confesses.

"It's hate—whether it's for her or for the situation. That's what it is. I feel it too. Um, from now on I'm gonna try to stick with Tylenol extra strength because my pain meds—it's like being trapped in my mind when I sleep and all I see are alternate endings to that situation, not good ones. When I'm awake, I'm anxious when JK's not in my sight," Luna confesses, leaning her head against JK's.

"I don't sleep because I keep having nightmares. I know that I shouldn't be, but I still feel guilty and it's overwhelming sometimes. I only feel safe when I'm with one of you," JK says, burying his face in Luna's shoulder.

"I know that it may not do any good, but I'll tell you again that this wasn't your fault. Regardless of whether I was here or not, she would've been hired and this probably still would've happened. I think we'd both feel a little better if we sleep together," Luna says, lightly grazing his cheek with the fingertips of her less injured hand.

"I think so too," he agrees.

"I feel guilty too, for not doing as much as I could when it came to having Sejin look into the policies. We got so busy and it just kept getting pushed to the back burner," Joon says.

"Same. I don't feel like I played a big enough role. I just assumed you or someone else would handle it. Now, I can't help but wonder what would've happened had I just said something to management myself," Jimin says.

"You couldn't have said if better. I'm too comfortable letting others take care of things and it's not fair to any of you," Tae says.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. That's always been out dynamic and we don't mind taking care of you baby. I do agree that this felt like dropping the ball though. We should've taken it more seriously and made it more of a priority and getting swept away with work," Hobi says.

"There's a very valuable lesson in all of this though. We won't ever let it happen again—and as for the company, we'll stand firm. I don't care if we have to postpone the tour until next year—we come first. We are not robots and there's nothing in this world that's more important to me than you all," Jin says.

"Do you think they may try to force you all on tour? This Choi dude gives me bad vibes," Luna says.

"They can't make us do anything. If they get technical and say that we're breaching our contracts by refusing to perform, they have the power to fire us and stop us from making music for the duration of the contrary, but I highly doubt it'll get that far," Yoongi tsks.

"And even if it does, I'd gladly throw this all away for all of you. This life, this industry doesn't measure up to anything you 7 can give me by simply existing," Joon says genuinely.

Everyone went quiet after that, probably thinking similar things. What would they do if they couldn't be BTS for seven more years? No one knew the answer and they sure hoped they wouldn't have to face that question any time soon. It wouldn't be easy but with Bang PD and so many others on their side, they would be just fine...eventually.

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