Season 1: The ultimate threat, Aeizar

Começar do início

Max:....I sort of regret this.


Ben had a ice pack on his forehead with a chuckling Y/N at the back.

Y/N: despite the circumstances, totally worth the laugh!

Ben: oh HAHA! Such a funny turn of events!

Gwen: well I thought it was funny Y/N.

Y/N: uhhhhh.... Sure..

Max: ok kiddos, we're going to be stopping by a town for a bit while I go a restock on fuel, ok?

Y/N: sure max!

Gwen: ok grandpa.



Ben: hahaha, ok ok!

Y/N: hmm...

The quadrio exited the moter home and looked around. The city was vibrant and looked quite fun. Except for a huge chunk which was mutilated.

Gwen: woah....

Ben: Jesus!

Y/N: good god.

The two omni warriors(why do I love this phrase so much) and the red head looked on before the 2 males began being their usual selves.

Ben:wanna go on emulator?

Y/N: why not?

The two boys ran inside, leaving max and Gwen outside.

Max: ok gwen, im going to get fuel and might be gone for the remainder of the day. I can trust you to look after yourselves, yes?

Gwen: sure grandpa!

Max smiled and walked away. When he was out of sight, gwen ran off to the direction of the mutilated chunk of the town.

Gwen: just think gwen... it's not about trying to discover any thing or conspiracy... it's just that everything I've tried to get Y/N to be interested in me has been dumb and he's only interested in that other slut , Katie. So if I do this, he'll love me for sure!

She stood near a destroyed building and she went up to a worker fixing it.

Gwen: excuse me, um, have you seen what did this damage??

Worker:...uhh, dunno why you're askin, but if you wanna know, go to that guy.

The worker pointed to a shaking person with a ripped soldiers uniform and had a cloak on his shoulders.

Gwen ran over to the soldier and tapped his shoulder.

Gwen: hey , do you know what happened and what or who did this damage?

The soldier was shaking , muttering something under his breath.

Soldier:..s-spears of hell.....E-earth scorched ....
Horrible c-co-coloured eyes....

Gwen:... what?? Tell me what you know..please...

Soldier:..i-it was a security breach... i-it happened s-so fast...a-a dangerous prisoner escaped... h-he battled the entire army...h-he slaughtered us all...

Gwen: you're the American government, right??

Soldier: y-yes....he killed my best friend a-and walked off...t-the whole city of new y-York is locked down...

The Hero of Infinity (Ben 10 x reader insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora