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Attention readers of "Untive"!

This Story would be undergoing a series of rewrite. As per the author's wishes, This book is to be going under hiatus until further notice.

Due to the reason, The original plot of "Unitive" was deemed to be inconsistent and unmotivating to continue.

And Thus, Therefore, "Unitive" is to be placed under a new plot.

Apologies to those who expected for the fourth chapter of the current plot, but, as the days gone by, I, The Author, has lost interest in the current plot.

Worry not! There is already another plot planned out, yet, different from the current one.

Rather than fighting one another, The new plot is to cover the hardship of being a helpless head of a family during an ongoing war-like situation.

I am going to tackle 5 siblings rather than the usual 4 organizations.

Then, if you are still interested in the new plot. Kindly save this story up and we'll follow you up with an update after the hiatus!

Until then, All previous chapters would be deleted and given up.

Again, Save this story and we'll see each other soon!


𝖴𝗇𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 (Countryhumans Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now