Chapter 4.5-6: Operation Delta

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The ever calm and unfazed Ryuzaki, however, seemed far more reliable for this task. As somebody who'd claimed to be a detective, he was the natural choice.

"So, what did you tell me to meet you for?"

"Well, actually, I need your help."

Leaving out the details regarding Kushida's involvement, I explained the current situation to Ryuzaki, who listened attentively but didn't react.

"I see..." Ryuzaki murmured. "If you have reason to believe this is true, then I don't doubt you, but you'll need more than concrete evidence in order to progress."

Indeed, if there was no proof, the boys could simply deny all wrongdoing, and we would be at an impasse. It was necessary to confront the involved parties, but evidence must be collected beforehand.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Ryuzaki got up from his ever-odd sitting position, and faced me. "You already know, don't you? That's why you told me to meet you here."

I had called Ryuzaki to meet me at the school campus, near to where the swim club pool is.

"You're right, I thought that the best move would be to go to the scene of the incident first and foremost."

Ryuzaki and I silently agreed to start walking, side by side.

"If that's the case, then why do you need me? It seems like you already have your investigation planned out."

Go to the pool, examine the scene to find some clue, and confront the perpetrators. It is clearly true that Ryuzaki's presence is not necessary to complete these steps, but I had asked for it anyway.

"In truth, I simply wanted to work with Ryuzaki. Such a mysterious existence would pique anybody's curiosity."

Perhaps, by observing what ideas Ryuzaki would come up with, I would learn more about him.

At the beginning of my tenure at this school, Ryuzaki could be described only as an unobtrusive classmate. However, as the months went by, my interactions with him started to become more and more strange.

If I had to pinpoint anything, the source of my unease in the present time would have to be this boy, who walked to my side with his hands in his pockets.

Ryuzaki gave no indication as to whether or not he acknowledged my answer, and no more words were spoken until we got to the place in question.

And here, we bump into our first hurdle.

"It makes perfect sense, but is inconvenient nevertheless..."

After hours, the pool, as well as the associated changing rooms, had been locked. Such a thing shouldn't come as a surprise, but it wasn't an issue I'd considered until now.

"If we can't go inside the changing room, it will be impossible to form a starting point." Ryuzaki stated rather obviously.

Neither of us were a member of the swim team, and I didn't imagine that Ryuzaki was the type to go for a day out swimming. Consequently, neither of us had ever set foot in this room before, and therefore did not possess the required knowledge to start the case.

Primarily, the method by which the "Idiot Trio" could have used to enact their spying was a necessary piece of the puzzle that could only be found by going into the boys' changing room.

"I don't suppose you have a key?"

Despite knowing the answer, I asked such a question, maybe just because no other ideas came to mind. However, the reply by Ryuzaki wasn't the one that I had expected:

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