You roll your eyes. "Antonio, of course. He's ma baby."

"I know someone that could also become your baby." The girl narrows her eyes playfully, leaning her head on your shoulder. You sink in your place, making it too low for her to actually rest against it. Half of your face was now in the fresh water, making you internally sigh in satisfaction.

"I reckon you stop. I've known the guy for a week." You say, sitting back up to talk. Dolores puts her head on your shoulder again. You sink, again. She scoffs, faking annoyance.

"But you could see yourself dating him." She tries to state a fact, miserably failing.

"I could see myself getting to know him better and maybe consider asking him out. See, you're quite wrong. But I'll give it to you, I do find him cute. Not as much as Antonio, though."

She shrugs, accepting your answer. "Can't wait for your wedding."

You eye her weirdly. "Gurl, I'm not getting married. Ever."

"Why ?"

You look in the distance, as if you were seeing things Dolores couldn't. Truth was, you weren't. All you saw was Luca throwing Antonio in the air and almost miss him when the child came back down, then discreetly looking around to check if anyone had noticed. You divert your eyes.

"Divorce, babe, divorce." You answer in a suddenly very British accent, surprising the both of you. After a few seconds of staring at each other in confusion, you go back to talking normally.

"You're scared of divorce ?" She asks you, clearly weirded out by your response.

"Who isn't ?" A deep voice sounds next to you, and you turn around to see Benito, the village's eldest, casually sitting next to you with a thoughtful expression.

You scream frantically and punch him in the face.

"CAMILO !" Dolores, who got scared as well, scolds her brother. Then, she realizes you just hit him. "Camilo..."

"OW !" Your fifteen-years-old cousin painfully holds his cheekbone, dramatically sinking in the water like you had done before. When he resurfaces, he had turned back into himself and glared at you accusingly. "Why do you hate me, (Y/n) ?"

"Why did you turn into Benito, Camilo ?" You retaliate, still freaked out by the boy's prank.

"Because he's always all philosophical and stuff." He shrugs. "It was funny."

"Funny to yo- wait, if you're here, who's Carlos drowning then ?"

Your cousin shrugs again. "Mirabel."

His eyes suddenly widen, and so do yours, when he remembers Mirabel was no match for ruthless Carlos.

"Oh, shit."


"No, but, really, it's so very pretty." Luca assures you as you both sit on the edge of your special panorama border, as he had called it earlier for some reason.

It was the end of the day, and you had spent the rest of the afternoon fighting Carlos who was a real danger to the human species. It was like his hobby was drowning people or something.

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