Chapter 5

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(A/N: Sorry that this chapter is kind of short, I haven't had much time to write today, although i've got something nice planned tomorrow)

"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you earlier. I was just- extremely worried and paranoid. I didn't want anything bad to happen to you" William stated as he looked down in shame

"Hey, it's okay and I understand completely because you are technically right. It's not safe for anyone to be alone at night, especially in a shady area" I reassured. He and I were still holding hands, as he was gentle about it. I tightened my grip a bit on his hand after reassuring him. I looked up at him while doing so. A gentle smile formed on his face as he turned his head to face me at a red light

"Thank you for the reassurance darling, I appreciate it" William hummed as he tightened the grip he had on my hand slightly while keeping his left hand on the wheel.

"Do you want some rest when we get back to my home or would you rather do something for fun to take your mind off of everything" William suggested calmly as he gently rubbed my hand with his thumb

"Depends, do you want to get rest or do you want to do something fun, like board games- or just anything that can be labeled as entertainment" I questioned

"Well, I personally am good either way, that's why I asked you. I asked you to choose because ultimately, out of the both of us you are more stressed and you may know what might be best for you. Let's put it this way, if I suggested taking you out to a movie and you say 'it doesn't matter to me' I don't want to spend money on something you won't enjoy because it would be pointless, wouldn't it? If I'm going to be spending money like taking you out to a movie and it ends up costing about 60$ then I would want you to enjoy it. I want to spend money on you if it's something you will enjoy and will make you happy." William explained, looking back up, redirecting his eyes on the road as he continued driving

"You're right. You know you're really smart in a lot of topics- right I forgot. I told you I bought you something and I forgot to give it to you" I hummed, picking up the bag as william let go of my hand and pushed the bag down

"Maybe wait till we get back to my home, I'm sorry if that sounds rude darling. Whenever I drive I am typically very focused and I want to avoid getting distracted considering a driver being distracted isn't safe whatsoever. Dear, I'm not calling you a distraction and I hope you don't take it that way, I just want to provide you with a safe driving experience especially after what happened today" William stated. I put the bag down and gently grabbed his hand once again.

I liked the way his hands felt. Even though they were a bit rough in certain areas, his hands were strong. Big, too. I guess the fact that his hands practically swallowed mine, something about it felt safe and reassuring, especially since it was obvious he was trying to be gentle. I didn't care about getting some blood on my hands, as long as it meant that I could hold his hand then I would do it any day of the week. He made me feel safe and protected, even if he tended to be a bit overprotective, I appreciated it.

He cares about me, and I do care about him. I've found myself getting jealous or anxious whenever I'm not by his side, as if whenever I'm alone or without him, something will hurt me, however whenever I'm with him, I feel safe.

"Alright, sorry to bring this up again, however do you want to do play games, watch movies, etc or would you rather get some rest" William questioned

"If it's okay with you, could we play some board games or play more arrangements with guitar and violin duets?" I questioned with a nervous tone in voice

"Don't ask if it's okay with you if i'm the one who brought up the idea, okay darling? I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't okay with it. Also, certain sure Oblivion by Astor Piazzolla is the only guitar and violin arrangement I have, however I do have more arrangements however I can always go out and buy some more" William suggested, turning into the driveway at his home

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