Chapter 4; The Beauty Of Music

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(A/n: sorry ab the extra notif i forgot to go through this before publishing it to make sure i had no spelling errors and yeah)

On the way back to my house, William and I spoke a lot. He's sweet, isn't he. Around 15 minutes as we began to drive.

"So... Y/n, dear, about this whole situation with feeling watched and everything... Could you tell me more about it? If you're okay with that of course" He questioned with a curious tone in his voice.

"Yeah I don't mind. I'm not too sure when it started, but I'm having a hard time telling if it's all made up in my head or not. I've been hearing movement around my house late at night, movement in my room. It's quiet enough that you can barely tell it's there- and- Why are you smiling?" I rambled, calmly collected my thoughts and questioned the man

"Oh? Nono go on. I just like the rain, and I enjoy listening to you talk" The man responded with the smuggest look on his face I had ever seen

"Alright, if you say so" I hum

"Well, I've been finding meals in my fridge, random things with sticky notes full of hearts, drawn smiley faces- and not to mention I heard the click of a camera when I went to go look for some socks today" I continued, burying my face in my palms

"That's horrible, I'm so sorry. It must be frightening knowing that whoever is in your house could end your life at any second" The man responded with slight enthusiasm in his voice. You could hear the smirk in his voice

He pulled into the driveway and parked, getting out of his vehicle and heading over to my side as he opened the door for me

"Thank you" I smiled before I had gotten out and scurried over to the door, rummaging through my bag for my keys. After a few seconds of searching, i found them, and felt myself shivering and shaking as I tried to put the key in the keyhole in an attempt to unlock the door. William walked up behind me, took my keys and unlocked the door for me

"There you go, dear" he hummed before inviting himself inside, holding the door for me. I smiled and cooed a quick "thank you" before entering. I temporarily took off my shoes, and headed upstairs. I grabbed a small gym bag and grabbed a few pairs of clothes, my toothbrush and toothpaste with a brush. I closed up the bag and scurried downstairs only to look in the closet by the entrance for a coat. until I heard a voice say

"Are you ready to go darling?"

I inhaled sharply and got chills down my spine immediately. I turned around  saw william who stood behind me.

"You scared me" I laughed as the man smiled in reaction, gently taking my hand playfully taking me outside of my house and back to his car, pausing to let me lock up my house before continuing. His hands were soft yet a bit rough, although that can be one way to tell if someone's a hard worker or not! I opened the door to the passenger's side of the vehicle and stepped inside, placing my bag on my feet before closing the door as the man got into the driver's seat.

"Alright, on the way there we're going to be passing some coffee shops so if you'd like a coffee or anything it's best you let me know now" The man exclaimed while he started and locked his vehicle. He pulled out of the driveway of my house and turned left.

"No thank you, you've already done enough for me however I appreciate the offer" I stated, no heat behind my tone as he nodded in response. The man seemed to be very focused on driving- Although I'd be concerned if he wasn't considering it can be very dangerous. I would know. It's almost as if he made sure to be extra careful considering what had happened earlier.

"Alright- have you had dinner? You must be starving, darling" the man questioned with a calm tone as he turned right.

"No" i mumbled

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