One Letter Away from Home

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Dear Sunset Shimmer

A part of me sometimes wonders how I should start something like this. Picking up a pen doesn't necessarily help since the right words escape me so easily these days. It's almost ironic. I can come up with song lyrics within seconds just from a prompt, but writing a letter to you? Well, that's a different story... Perhaps it's due to my negligence or nervousness. It's not exactly a good look, you know. For a siren to be nervous and all. Sonata and Aria keep teasing me about it, but I try to pay them no mind. After all, you're the one who's responsible for these nervous thoughts. Even picking up a phone can be quite daunting. I'm sure you know that all too well by now.

Why am I writing a letter instead of calling? Clearly, I have some sort of nerve to even write this, so what's the point in waiting for the post office to give you this? Well, a part of me doesn't know, to be honest. Maybe it's nicer to have the time to think of the words I want to say. All it takes is a simple rewrite to avoid any confusion and I suppose that makes it better than stumbling on my words over a call. Besides, I think you would prefer a more intimate response. By now, you're probably wondering how I'm doing. Let's just say the big city isn't exactly what I had hoped it would be. It's tiring. Exhausting. It runs you down despite how much you've wanted this. All I've ever wanted in the whole world is to be recognized. Now that I have that chance with the girls, it's more stressful than I thought. This band tour is fun at times, but... the real reason I often find it dull is because one thing is missing.

You should know what that is. You always know what I'm referring to, but you love to make me blush and spell out the simplest answers. That one thing is you. I know. Mushy of me to say, but it's true. The lights, sounds and smells don't feel as exciting without you here. It's been two weeks since we've last seen each other and you're the one person I miss the most. Don't tell Aria I said that. She would be on my back for the rest of this tour. Even the champagne feels slightly... amiss. If that even makes sense. To be honest, I'm not even sure if I am making sense anymore. I just keep throwing more words down onto the page, wishing to talk to you again, but feeling too cowardly to pick up the phone.

You know you're the reason I can't call, right? You're the sole reason my mind is so distracted, leaving me with little time to sleep. Maybe that's why you did it... My mind keeps asking the same question. Over and over. "Why did she have to ask that right before I left?" That question you asked me... The way you seemed so genuine and kind left me with no words. The way your eyes sparkled that night and made me fall even deeper into the abyss known as love... Do you remember that night? Two weeks ago. You took me to dinner and bought me my favorite dessert. A cherry cheesecake. We walked for what felt like hours and the stars shone their light down on us. Why am I even talking about this? I guess I just... want to know if it's been on your mind too.

You know that I love you, right...? It's not every day a siren like me says that, but... I suppose you're a special case. You make everything in my life feel like it has some sort of meaning and even though you and I have only been dating for a year, I can't help but feel... odd? Back when I had my magic, I used to believe that sirens didn't fall in love. We didn't experience it, but you made me realize that was a lie. Even when we were enemies, I couldn't take my eyes off of you. Maybe that's the reason I'm writing to you now. Despite the distance between the two of us, I just want you to know that I love you... Maybe that was your goal when you asked me that question. You wanted me to think about you, right? It's so nerve-wracking to try and call just to stumble on my words and trip up the meaning of them. This whole trip would be so much more fun if you were here, just to hear your laugh and to see your smile... That's another reason why it's easier to write. I can say all the embarrassing things I want without the consequences of actually saying those things.

I keep getting sidetracked... The point is that the tour is going fine. Fans love the performances and the girls seem to be having a blast. As for me, I can't help but think about what you said the last time we talked. The thought of you won't leave my mind, making almost every song I hear remind me of you. It's probably been on your mind too, huh? I mean, you were the one who asked me to withhold my answer until the end of the tour. That one question has sprouted up a thousand more in my mind. Some of which I don't think I can answer. The moment you pulled out that ring and asked me with full sincerity if I would marry you, my heart stopped. Hell, the world stopped. What is a siren supposed to do? I never thought anyone would ask me that question. I never even expected to find someone I would actually love, but here you are. The world is such a complicated place, but you always make it feel somewhat simpler. You make everything feel alright. I know that I shouldn't worry about things, but you have such an easy time breaking down my exterior and finding the real me within. So, when I'm asked a question like that, it's hard to answer. It becomes hard to breathe. Before I could even muster up the strength to say something, you told me to wait and answer after the tour so that I could have enough time to think about it. To make sure I wasn't going to make a mistake with someone like you.

That... is what keeps me up more than anything. How in the world could I make a mistake with you? In almost every sense of the word, you're perfect. I know it's just your insecurities bothering you, but it would never be a mistake to spend my life with you. I think, when it comes down to it, that's the real reason I decided to write to you. I know the tour may not be done yet, but I can't wait another moment. Why should I wait to tell you my answer when I've already made up my mind?

You're the person I trust the most. You set my heart ablaze with just a few words. Even watching a movie together can be such a magical moment just because I'm doing it with you. Siren or not, you make my life worth living. You make each day worth waking up and getting through just to see you at the end of it. If you couldn't tell by now, I miss you. I can't wait to get home just to feel your hug one more time. I have but one simple answer to your question, Sunset. It would make me the luckiest siren in existence to marry you. To share my life with you. So, to end off this letter with something meaningful, I just want to say yes. I will marry you if you will have me. I love you more than anything else in the world after all~ I can't wait to come home to you~

With love,

Adagio Dazzle

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