7 - Battle off Suwima

Start from the beginning

The evacuation of Suwima was completed 6 hours after the battle. It was a Chirunan victory.

Romadians POV
Eastern Lords Armies Camp

It has been almost two hours since the advance party departed from the Main Camp, and they have yet to receive any message from them.

General Hektor Abrami, Lord of the county of Lameral, was getting worried. Did they encounter some sort of ancient dragon? No, no, the last one that was reported was over a century ago, it couldn't be that!

He heard that the Chirunans had a different look than most of the militaries their nation had seen. Wielding black staves, "dirty" armour and steel ships, he wondered if they had chosen the wrong nations to pick a fight with.

Just as he was about to contemplate the decisions made, a messenger entered his tent and said, "Sir Hektor, I received orders from the Emperor himself."

"Oh? What is it?"

"He orders all troops under your command to advance into the Marinsean borders, following the plan. He has also said this to the rest of the lords."

"I see. Thank you for sending the message."

"No problem, Sir Hektor", the messenger then left.

Hektor then got on the manacom [1] and ordered "Attention to all men! I have received orders from the Emperor, telling us to advance into the Marinsean borders!"

He then added, "To the Wyvern Squadron, scout out the region ahead of us!"

The Eastern Lords Armies is now on the move.

Wyvern rider POV

After receiving the orders, I got on the back of my wyvern partner and took off. I flew around in the air for a bit, waiting for the rest of my mates to get to the air.

I then flew along with seven of the wyvern riders, heading beyond the Marinsean border. I was also a bit curious on what had happened to the advancing team, so I order my mates to head to the last known location of them.

It took us a couple of minutes before we could see what has truly happened, and it shocked me. Bodies of men and wyverns are littered on the battlefield near a village. I couldn't believe my eyes for a moment. Did the Chirunans did this? When I flew over to the village, it was empty. Did they evacuate the villagers too? The Chirunans were really prepared.

Out of nowhere, I heard a noise, coming from the sky above. When I turned to look at the source of it, I saw four objects flying at unimaginable speeds across the sky above me. My mates saw it too. Then the objects began to dive. Four of my mates flew towards the diving objects, assuming they're Chirunans and preparing to fire their fireballs from their wyverns.

What I saw after that was absolutely horrifying. A streak of light flew across the sky and hit one of my wyvern mates, exploding and killing them. Then more streaks of light were fired from the objects, heading straight for us. Me and the rest of the squadron began to flee, but the streaks of light could follow where we went, no matter if we try to dodge them.

I saw my squad mates getting intercepted by those light arrows one by one. The comrades I have trained with, spoke with, got along with, all died instantly by those damn light arrows.

Suddenly, my wyvern dived towards the ground. I tried to control it, but failed. There was a light arrow on our tail and my wyvern tried to dodge it. But it was no use.

It exploded directly behind me. I could feel the pain from the pressure of the explosion crushing certain parts of my body. My wyvern, along with I, struck the ground. I was still conscious, but badly injured. My wyvern was badly injured too. I tried as hard as I could with my injured body to go to my wyvern. I could barely walk and my vision is blurred.

As I reached my wyvern, my legs gave up and I leaned against my wyvern. I tried comforting it, telling everything will be okay. My wyvern's breathing got slower and slower. Eventually, it stopped. My one and only partner is now gone from this world, and all I could do now was to wait for any sort of help to arrive.

Eventually, help did come. The main army found my wyvern and I laying on the ground. They picked me up and a healer mage healed me. Although it wasn't enough, I could stand properly.

I really do miss my partner. I hope he's flying freely in heaven, if it exists.

1450 hour,
On the Karhsan Harbour, Romadia

On the harbour, people could see a massive fleet of warships in a formation. This 1100-ship fleet was tasked to sink most of the Marinsean warships and attack the capital.

Aboard the warship Cosimo, Admiral Corrado Calandri was waiting for the order from the Emperor. Then, his ship's manacom came to life, a message from the Emperor's representative came.

The Emperor had ordered for the fleet to disembark from the port.

This mighty fleet was large enough to fight against the Parsinian Imperial Navy.

Unbeknownst to them, theres was one fleet they can't beat.

The Chirunan Expeditionary Fleet.


[1] just imagine a manacom to be a radio powered by magical gems, but not as good as a regular scientific radio.

A/N: oh boy, the war truly begins now.

(insert "gib criticism if have, stay hydrated, bye" here)

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