3 - Diplomacy

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11 September 2022, 0930 hour
Port Parfeski, Chiruna

2 days have passed since the event.

On a quite cloudy and windy morning, the Port of Parfeski, the largest one in Chiruna, lies a fleet of warships. Consisting of 1 Stosscl-class corvette [1], 4 Umdæmi-class FACs and 3 Sverfiskur-class FACs [2], the reason behind this fleet being formed is to carry diplomats to Marinse in order to form diplomatic relations with them.

The fleet then departed from the port at 0930 hour and headed towards southwest, where Marinse is supposed to be from the information they got.

The diplomats were Javí Karlsson and Lorn Marllinsson. Their mission is to establish diplomatic relations and possibly discuss about trade. Due to the effects of the transfer, Chiruna has been suffering a bit in terms of food imports. Although self-sufficient in terms of products like fish and mutton, they do rely on imports from other nations for grains.

This doesn't bother the Chirunans much, but their diet will be limited for a while until they obtain a stable source of import for grains.

They sailed at a set speed 17 knots or around 31.5 km/h. They sailed southwest for minutes, reaching into hours. Were they tricked by the Marinseans? Surely not, they seemed friendly to them, after all!

2 hours passed when they saw a fleet of wooden ships at a distance around 500m away. The Chirunans, assuming the ships to be Marinsean's, sailed towards them, hoping to gain proper directions to Marinse from them.

They dispatched a MQ-8B Fire Scout drone helicopter [3] from CNS Intwelo, a Stosscl-class corvette, to try to get their attention. The small drone then flew and when it reached at a distance of around 50m, it began circling around in front of the Marinsean fleet.

Marinse POV, 7th Squadron of the Royal Marinsean Navy
1145 hour

A lookout on the flagship HMMS Itera spotted a fleet of 1 medium-sized ship and 7 smaller ships, all seemed to be grey in colour, possibly indicating the ships to be made out of steel.

The lookout yelled, "Captain! I spot a fleet of ships! 8 of them! All of it seemed to be made out of steel!"

"They really kept their promise", the captain said. He was the same captain who met and talked with the Chirunans two days ago, Captain Javien Gordon.

They headed towards the Chirunan fleet, until they heard a whirring sound in the sky. When they looked up, they saw a small flying steel bird, circling in place. It seemed to be trying to attract their attention, they assumed.

After sailing and reaching a distance of 100 metres from the Chirunans, they heard a loud voice, saying "This is the Chirunan Naval Forces! As part of a promise from our side, we have sent two of our diplomats to form proper relations with your nation!"

Captain Javien acknowledged this, telling a mage to increase the loudness of his voice using magic, then replied "This is the 7th Squadron of the Royal Marinsean Navy. We have remembered your promise and have waited here for you people. We shall show you the way to our capital's port."

The Marinsean fleet turned around and head towards their capital's port with the Chirunans following behind them. It took them 30 minutes to reach the port.

Chiruna POV
1215 hour

After tailing behind the Marinseans for 30 minutes, they've finally reached the port. It was beautiful, resembling a classic Rennaisance-era major port if one were to look at it. It had many docks and many merchant ships sailing in and out of the port. It was a lively port.

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