Chapter 1 Dates ✔️

Start from the beginning


What a shitty night.

Maybe if I am really quiet, I can sneak back in, and Kole won't hear me if he is home. Or if he has Sheila back here.

I just hope I don't walk in on some crap like I did with him and Hannah.


Living with your lifelong best friend may have a lot of advantages, but walking in on them having kinky sex with the office skank isn't one of them. 

I shake my head, clearing the thought, and dig in my bag for my keys.

I put my key in the lock, turn it, and open the door as slowly as I possibly can. I ease it open, just enough for me to slip inside. I wait, listening. 

The house is dark and quiet. He must be planning to stay with Sheila tonight. 

Just as slowly, I close the door and lock it back, still quiet, in case he is home and asleep or in bed. 

I tiptoe through the living room, but by the time I reach the end of the room and start down the hallway, a lamp flips on. 

I nearly jump out of my skin from the sudden brightness that I am not at all expecting. 

I turn around, facing the living room, clutching my chest, where my heart is pounding wildly from the scare. 

Kole is sitting on the couch in his boxers with a beer in his hands. 

"Holy shit, Kole, you scared the hell out of me." I fuss at him. 

I walk over, plopping myself on the couch beside him and sitting so our shoulders are touching. 

He leans forward, grabbing an unopened Bud and hands it to me. 

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask, opening my semi-warm beer.

He shakes his head, putting his arm around my shoulders. 

"Do you?"

"No." I shake my head, leaning over and letting it rest against the side of his chest. 

"Cheers." He says touching his bottle to mine.

"To being perpetually single." I say lifting mine to my mouth and taking a huge swig. 


Several Beers Later

"So Matt actually wanted you to give him the golden showers?" He asks, cringing.

"Yeah, but it wasn't even like he talked to me about it and was like, 'Hey, this is what I'm into if you're down with it'."

"Damn, then, what did he do, or do I even want to know?"

"I don't even want to talk about it." I drop my head into my hands. 

"Aww, come on, Kan, it can't be that bad." He laughs at my obvious humiliation. 

"God, ok, so we are in the middle of it. I thought everything was going well until he lifted my ass, pulled me off of him, and told me he wanted me to hover over his face and ... ugh God."  I  bury my face in my hands again, shaking my head. 

"What did you say?" Kole laughs. 

"Say? I didn't fucking say anything; I just froze with his hands on my ass and my cooch two inches from his face and looked down at him like, 'What the fuck, Matt'. Then he has the nerve to get all pissed off and throw me out." 

"Maybe he was just embarrassed, Kandi." 

"Hell no, he wasn't embarrassed; he was just pissed that I didn't." I laugh hysterically at my unintended pun. 

God, I'm drunk. 

"So what about Sheila?"

"I think mine might be worse." He says scooching his back down,  getting more comfortable. 

"How can your date have possibly been worse than mine? What did she do? Set you on fire?" 

"No, because apparently it wasn't even a date." 

"What?" I giggle. 

"Yeah, so apparently when she asked me if I ' like kids' the other day and I told her 'yeah', and she said 'come over at 7 Saturday, she wanted me to fucking babysit while she went out."

"No way!" 

"Yeah, so here I go all dressed up with flowers and everything, just to end up looking like a complete idiot when her husband answers the door." 

"Husband? Oh my God." I laugh, holding my stomach, as tears stream down my face. 

"I am so glad that you find it funny." He rubs his palm over his face. 

"What did you do?" 

"What was I supposed to do? I fucking spent the evening making bottles and changing diapers, in between playing Minecraft with her eight-year old, and Barbies with her five year old." 

"You didnt?"


"Still don't think that's worse than mine, though it is pretty damn funny." 

"Oh yeah? I have a Cinderella tattoo on my ankle." 

"No way! Let me see." I giggle bending down and pulling up his pants leg. 

"Ok, you win." I laugh, looking at it. "I do have to say it goes nicely with all of your other ones."

"Oh, shut up." He says picking me up, tickling my sides.  


With my feet propped up on the back of the couch, my head in Koles lap, and my beer in my hand. "You know, this kind of reminds me if when we were kids."

"Yeah? How so?" He asks, finishing off his. 

"Remember that night in Pap's barn?" I play with the label on my bottle my mind going back to all those years ago. 

"How could I ever forget?" He laughs. "You were drunk off your ass that night too." 

"Hey, so were you! That was the first time either one of us tried anything." 

"Yeah, I remember." 

"But that is not why it reminds me of tonight." 

"Then why does it?

"Do you remember the promise we made?" 


"Yeah, that night." I say sitting up and putting my half-full bottle on the table. 

I move, straddling his lap. 

Something we do often. Mostly when I am upset and he is trying to make me feel better, or when I just want to cuddle. 

"We made a promise that night that if we were both still single by the time we were thirty, we would marry each other. You remember now?"

"Yeah, my little Kandicane, I remember." He says rubbing his hand up and down my back. 

I am starting to get tired, and him rubbing my back is just making it worse. 

I lay my head against the top of his chest. 

"Get you some sleep." He say brushing my hair back from my face and smoothing it down. 

"Will you think about it?" I ask with a yawn. 

"What?" He asks, moving his head back slightly so he can see my face. 

"The promise." I yawn again, closing my eyes. 

"Yeah." He says, continuing to rub his hands over me as I fall asleep. 

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