"You're not leaving the company," his father argued. "You'll be a consultant," he pushed Sasuke's feet off of his desk.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "A consultant of what?" He almost laughed at how desperate his father was to make sure that he didn't have to say his son was leaving the family company. The company that everyone in the core unit has worked at for years.

"I don't particularly care what you consult on," he huffed. "You can talk to Naruto about his music or just say your usual snarky comments, I don't care. But you will not be leaving the company," he sternly told him. "It's a compromise, take it."

"Now you're just making up titles so you don't have to say I'm leaving the company," Sasuke chuckled. "Here I thought you didn't make compromises."

"There are exceptions," his father replied. "Do you want to travel with your boy toy or not?" he asked, glaring at his son.

"For the last time, he's my boyfriend and soulmate, not some toy," Sasuke glared back at his father. "But fine, I'll let you save some face for mother's sake. She hates to see us fight," he agreed. As much distain as he had for his father, he still loved his mother. She had been encouraging his and Naruto's relationship ever since she found out about it. "But wait to make your announcement until I can talk to Naruto," he demanded.

"You have until six tonight," his father told him. Sasuke just nodded before getting up to leave. It was the freest he'd felt in a long time.

Luckily, Sasuke didn't have to wait long before he could call Naruto and tell him the good news. The blond was starting his Asian leg of the tour in South Korea, it was only a two hour flight, though it'd probably be a little over three hours by the time Naruto got off the plane and to his hotel.

He was happy to get home and find Suigetsu was out. It gave him the peace and quiet he wanted to pack. The dark haired man planned to leave the next morning to join Naruto in Seoul before his concert that night. He'd already booked the flight, but hadn't told Naruto in case something went wrong with his meeting with his father. It hadn't turned out as bad as he thought it might, having Naruto on his side certainly helped. A couple hours into packing his phone rang, making him smile when he saw Naruto's face light up the screen. "Hey, babe," he answered happily.

"You seem happy, I'm assuming that means it went well," Naruto responded, just as happy. He was excited at the thought of Sasuke joining him with no family drama in the way.

"I'm now a consultant," he informed the other man with a chuckle as he continued to pack.

"Of what?" Naruto was confused. He thought Sasuke was completely leaving the company.

"He doesn't care, it's just a title so he doesn't have to announce I'm leaving the company. It's better to say I'm stepping down from the role of running the entertainment division to do something else within the company than it is to say I'm leaving. I'm sure there will be some bullshit of my passion for music and how I want to help my soulmate. He'll spin it to make himself look good," he explained. He knew how his father worked, it'd be some sort of story that shined him in the best light possible. He'd look like the loving father that he wasn't. "You know, father of the year type shit."

Naruto laughed, "Yes, best father ever." The grin never left his face as they continued to talk, "So, when are you coming?" he expected Sasuke to say a week or so, figuring he needed so sort some things out first.

"I'll join you tomorrow, I'm packing right now," Sasuke told him. He heard Naruto's surprised gasp and laughed, "Did you really think I'd stick around? He can sort out his own mess. The division ran just fine while I was gone for a week, they don't need me to train someone."

"When did you even buy a ticket?" the blond asked excitedly. He couldn't wait to see Sasuke.

"When I decided to leave the company," Sasuke told him nonchalantly. "I didn't want to tell you until I knew that there wasn't going to be any drama with my father," he explained.

Naruto understood, he knew how his father could be, "It doesn't matter when you told me, just that you'll be here. You could have just shown up at my hotel room unannounced and I'd be just as happy."

"We both know I'm not getting through the airport without some spotting me anymore. It may not have been news before, but with you on tour everyone will be assuming I'm going to see you," he pointed out. He wasn't going to announce that he would be leaving, but it was inevitable that there would be people that spot him and take pictures. After the announcement he was sure that paparazzi would probably be ready to watch his every move. "That would kind of ruin the surprise."

"I'm just saying, it doesn't matter when you tell me, I'm happy you're going to be here," Naruto laughed, knowing Sasuke was right.

"How tired will you be after the concert?" he asked, knowing exactly what he wanted to do to celebrate.

"Never too tired for you," Naruto assured him. He felt a rush of adrenaline thinking about Sasuke being by his side. "Can I pull you up on stage and sing to you?" he asked.

Sasuke shook his head, though he knew that he couldn't see him, "I don't think your fans would appreciate you stopping your concert to sing some sappy love song to me."

"That's where you're wrong, my fans would absolutely love if I did that," Naruto wasn't going to tell Sasuke that he already had something planned. He hand't known he'd be doing it so soon, but he had a new song. It was indeed sappy and everything he wanted to say to express his love for the other man. Sasuke may think that he's joking, but he wasn't. He was going to pull the man on stage and serenade him in front of thousands of fans.

They talked for a few hours before Naruto had to go so he could get ready for his concert the following night. Sasuke decided to watch the press announcement his father was conducting so he knew what to expect from the media.

"You are all probably wondering why I called his press conference," his father started. As usual looking completely put together in an expensive suit that screamed power. "Tonight I am announcing that my youngest son, Sasuke, will be stepping down from his position as the head of our entertainment division." The questions started, but the crowd quieted on his signal. "Sasuke has decided to be a consultant for the company. He wants to work closely with the artists and do something he is more passionate about, which we fully support."

Sasuke rolled his eyes at the speech. There was only one thing he was truly passionate about: Naruto. The only reason he got the full support was because of the blond being the most popular artist on the label, quickly taking over the music scene around the world. It was so transparent, but the media seemed to buy it.

He looked at social media to find that Naruto's fans did not buy the poor excuse. There were multiple posts about the announcement from excited fans who were trending #UchihaAnnouncement:

'What he meant to say is that Sasuke wants to work closely with Naruto and when I say work I mean f*ck #UchihaAnnouncement'

'Anyone else find it really sweet how Sasuke wants to join Naruto on tour? #UchihaAnnouncement'

'Artists? You mean Naruto so just say it #UchihaAnnouncement'

'Do they really expect us to believe this is about passion and not about someone wanting to be with their soulmate? #UchihaAnnouncement'

'With the way they were acting at the airport the only thing he's passionate about is being able to kiss his boyfriend #UchihaAnnouncement'

Sasuke laughed at the last one, looking at the picture of them kissing at the airport posted with it. He almost responded to the one fan to point out that it was about passion, just not the kind his father said. Instead, he closed out of social media, deciding to keep the peace and let people think what they want. He wasn't going to deny it was about him wanting to join his boyfriend, but he wasn't going to confirm solely because he didn't feel like dealing with the drama that would bring. He went to bed that night with a smile. 

Sing Through Your Memory (NaruSasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now