Chapter 35 : Hawkins tigers

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"Introducing Hawkins Tigers !!" The principal shouts as cheerleaders come into the hall doing all kinds of stunts and that's when Chrissy stands on top of the pyramid and I look at Eddie and I saw his eyes shine looking at her "You should tell her" I whisper to him "And what get my head smashed in by a bunch of assholes I'll pass" he whispers back "she's never gonna know how you feel if you don't tell her" I say "you said you would wait till the perfect time and that time is now don't be a wimp that's not the Eddie I became friends with" I whisper

"Yeah your right I'll just get her alone with me and strike her with my charm" he whispers making me giggle but I cover my mouth before a laugh slips out "We're you just laughing at the new better Prince Charming" he says in a posh accent "Ah yes sincere apologies Your highness" I say and he laughs and the people in front of us shush us making us laugh more thank god our hands were on our mouths or else our laughs would have been so loud you wouldn't have heard the band . I see Lucas run out and he looks through the crowd then smiles at me and I smile back in reassurance . "No this is not happening the dark force they have taken him" Eddie says using his hands as binoculars to look at Lucas .

Everyone cheered as the team ran out into the hall but I just rolled my eyes at them but that's when I spot Lucas I loved him I really did but that's on him that he left us . He waves at me and I look away in annoyance at him but space out god I wish I was next to Sidney right now I did want to tell a teacher but I'm not a pussy and I'm sure Sidney docent want to be dragged out of school because of me the days almost over anyway .

"This Year has been so much for all of us the death of our family's and friends so when we win our victory tonight it will be for our beloved Chief Jim hopper heather Ans so many more" Jason says and a few heads turn to look at me and max making me look at her and she looks at me as I nod and mouth "it's almost over" and she nods then turns back to the basketball team
"I love you Chrissy" he says and she blows him a kiss "And tonight we will kick some but and bring home that trophy " he shouts and the majority of people cheer and I stand up with Eddie and the hellfire club as we walk out the hall "I'll be one second" I tell them as I walk into the bathroom and splash my face with water I don't know why but today felt weird

"You promised you would remember me always" a voice says

"Who said that ?" I ask and back up until I bump into someone "shit" I say and then back u against the wall when I see the same man who got my keys so I kick the person into the wall "stronger than I remember" it said "why don't you tell em who you are so we can talk" I say and hit him and we block each other's hits and kicks until Chrissy ran in but stopped when she saw me "Oh h-Hey sid" she said wiping her tears "hey you okay ?" I ask and she nods so I go up to her and hug her that's when she starts crying "I just feel like I'm loosing my mind" she says while sobbing "you and me both" I say as we giggle "hey I know what will cheer you up" I say and get some sweets from out of my bag "I always keep them for emergencies you know" I say giggling and she thanks me and takes them "dig in see you later and Chrissy if you ever need anyone I'm always hear to talk to" I say smiling and she nods as I leave

I stood up to do my presentation which I didn't want to do "hi...For my hero I..I chose my sister and dad and for my visual aid I made a dariama of our cabin" I said until a bully interrupted me "more like diarrhoea" until the teacher shushed him "this is my dad his name is hopper he made the best Eggos and he liked to watched Miami on Fridays this is my sister she was really nice and loved to take me to the mall and have a sleepover in her room watching horror films and this is mr fibbly he is a squirrel" I said "and this is the alarm that my dad made but I was never scared because..bec..beca" I said but couldn't think straight with Angela raising her hand

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