for the vlog

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- 3rd person POV -

when the gang got back to the house everyone just dispersed and went to do their own thing. Paige and Kristian decided to make a dancing tiktok and Thomas and Mia started making dinner.

Jules and Jacob had gone to their own rooms to do whatever and Bryce and Ace were playing pool. The tiny longboard spread through the mansion helped the gang to gradually become lazier in the practice of not having to use their feet.

- jules pov -

i had just opened the door of my room to head to the kitchen when out of nowhere Kristian and Bryce came flying through the hallway on the penny boards almost running me over.

"slow down fuck faces you almost hit me" i turned around to continue where i was going when i bumped into jacob. "hey chandler"

he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at me. "what do you want?" i said sternly. he grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room and shut the door behind him.

"look i'm sorry if that was awkward i just thought it would be a funny bit for Thomas's vlog y'a know cause it could be a cool thumbnail" his apologetic eyes looked down at me.

i leaned up against the door and took a deep breath. "jacob" i paused trying to gather my words. "we can't do stuff like that or people will think we are dating and we don't want that okay?"

"we don't?"

"first of all no we don't want people to think we are dating, second every girl in the universe would hate me and third it's just not possible and i get that it was for a vlog and we need money and everything but it can't happen again okay?"

he closed his eyes took a deep breath and looked as if he wanted to say something so bad but he just couldn't. at this point he had inched his face closer and closer to mine narrowing the proximity of our bodies. i shook my head and pushed him away.

"Why Jules? Why would that be so bad" he sounded angry now.

"i just said why"

from a distance we could hear Thomas yelling at us that dinner was ready. i looked back at jacob.

"it can't happen" i opened the door and walked out of my room leaving him standing there.

i felt bad of course for him but i didn't know if it would be the right thing.

why did he kiss me?

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