Chapter 22: Pacific Ocean

Depuis le début

The ocean seemed more rocky than usual tonight. 

"There's the woman of the hour," Ezra's dad's voice nearly made me jump out of my skin.

I didn't respond to him; just kept my teeth clenched. 

He pulled his phone out of his pocket while holding a gun in his other. 

He shoved the barrel of the gun into my mouth, nearly making me gag on it as he raised his phone to his ear.

ϟ Ezra POV ϟ

My fist drips blood from punching my desk for the fourth fucking time.

"Enough! We'll find her again-"

I cut Eliza off, "And what if we don't, hm? What if this time, we don't?"

My voice echoes in the entire house. Eliza, Asher, and Martín stand in my room with me as I lose my fucking mind.

"Somebody is gonna die for this - no, multiple people are gonna die for this," I say to myself.

My phone rings against my desk, and I answer it in an instant.

"Lilac?" I say into the phone, praying to hear her perfect voice. 

"Guess again," the sound of my father's voice makes my stomach drop.

He has her. 

"Where is she," I demand to know,

Eliza watches me with wide eyes, her being equally as surprised to hear his voice. 

"Let's make a deal, boy. 50 million dollars, and I'll return your wife back to you," the amount of confidence in his voice makes me wish I could reach through the phone and fucking kill him.

I reply without hesitation, "Deal. Now where is she."

"Why don't I show you?"

The feeling of my phone vibrating against my ear sends nausea through my body. I can already tell I'm not going to like this.

I open the image, and my jaw clenches harder than ever before. Anger fills my body, looking at a picture of her with a gun in her mouth. 

It makes me so mad that I can't look away. I hear his voice say, "You're going to want to send that money soon, boy."

My grip on the phone goes tighter, making it break in my hand. Eliza steps in front of me, "Where is she?"

"I don't fucking know."

"Then think!"

I think about the picture over and over again in my head. She could be anywhere, she could be-

"They're on a boat," I realize. 

My dad used to be a fisherman. I remember every boat he's ever owned, and I was positive that it was one of his. 

"And how are we going to get on this boat?" Martín asked. 

"We can't catch up on another boat. There's only one option," I say to all of them. "A helicopter."


"Ezra, you've got to be kidding me," Asher looked at me as if I were crazy.

We all sat in the helicopter, the propellers spinning quickly. I narrowed my eyes at him, "You wanna swim instead?"

"I don't know how to fly a fucking helicopter!" he raised his voice.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him toward me a little, "Well, you do now."

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