Chapter 12: Meeting Alberto/Jake's Nightmare

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WARNING: Jake's dream can be a bit graphic so if you don't like gore, skip that part. His dream is told in first person. Thanks!

"Whose this poser?" Jake asked. Alberto grew frustrated. "Poser?! Who are you calling a poser, buddy!" Alberto told Jake. Jake was about to step up when Sofia stopped him. "Jake please," Sofia said desperately looking at Jake with puppy dog eyes. Jake stepped back. "Ahem, everyone I would like you to meet my...boyfriend, Alberto," Amber said. "Boyfriend?!" Sofia, James, Santiago, and Jake all said in unison. "Boyfriend?" Alberto whispered to Amber. "Just play along, okay?" Amber whispered back to Alberto. Suddenly Jake started laughing and Sofia nudged him. "That's great Amber!" Sofia said. The boys were confused and shocked. There was still some tension. "Why don't you guys tour Portorosso? Alberto and I will catch up," Amber said as the group walked off. Amber looked around for Alberto but she couldn't find him. "Alberto!" she called out. As she walked into the backyard, she saw Alberto in the treehouse. Amber climbed up and joined him. "Alberto? Are you alright?" Amber asked him. Alberto sadly sighed, his back facing Amber. "You didn't have to do that, just so your family and friends can like me," Alberto told Amber. Amber sighed, and put her hand on Alberto's shoulder and smiled. Alberto turned and looked at her. "You want to be my girlfriend?" Alberto asked. Amber nodded. Alberto then stood up and gave her a hug. "I've wanted to be your boyfriend ever since I met you," Alberto hugged Amber tightly and she returned the favor. "Promise me one thing though," he told Amber. They stopped hugging as Amber listened. "You can't, under any circumstances, tell them I'm a sea monster. Especially the pirates. They give me the creeps," Alberto shuddered. "Don't worry. It'll be our little secret," Amber winked and climbed down the stairs as Alberto followed. He breathed a sigh of relief and followed Amber's lead. Ercole watched from a distance as the couple climbed down, hand in hand, and ran over to the gelato cafe. Ercole chuckled. "So they're a thing now, eh? My plan might work after all. I can have all the riches in the world while fish boy fries in the sun! All I need to do is kidnap that princess and she will be mine, all mine! But I need a new accomplice and I think I know who," Ercole chuckled again and sneaked away.

Back at the gelato cafe, Sofia waved to Amber and Alberto to come sit with their group. Santiago and James were gobbling up the gelato while Jake stood against a wall with his back turned. "Amber, this ice cream is the best I've ever had! It's really creamy! Wait till Ruby and Jade hear about this place!" Sofia said. "I'm glad you like it!" Amber beamed. Meanwhile, Santiago and James were chatting at a different table. Santiago saw Jake felt bad. "James. Don't you think Jake is being a bit, you know, pushy with Amber's new boyfriend?" Santiago asked. "He's like that with newcomers. It'll be fine," James said as he licked the rest of his gelato. Santiago was worried about his cousin but continued eating his gelato (AUTHOR'S NOTE: yes Jake and Santiago are cousins in my story). As everyone was done eating their gelato, it was nighttime and everyone said good night to each other. Santiago and James headed back to Bucky while Sofia saw Jake sitting alone by the water fountain. "Everyone is heading to bed. Do you wanna talk about anything?" Sofia asked her boyfriend. "Not right now. Just wanna be left alone," Jake told his girlfriend. "Okay if you ever need anything, I'll be on Bucky," Sofia kissed Jake good night and headed back to the ship.

That night, Jake fell asleep by the water fountain and started to dream...

I woke up and I could smell smoke and feel the hot heat as I started to sweat

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I woke up and I could smell smoke and feel the hot heat as I started to sweat. I turned around and noticed my beloved ship, Bucky, was on fire. 'No!' I yelled as I kneeled down trying to gather the bits of wood from Bucky. I grew furious as I saw something move in the water. I stepped back and heard a crack under my foot. I picked up the crown and heard a scream that sounded like Sofia. "Sofia!" I called out. I ran after her voice. While I was running, I noticed a trail of blood and tracks following Sofia's scream. "Jake help me!" I heard her call out. I ran as fast as I could and then I stopped. Sofia was lying on the floor along with Amber and James. Amber and James were lifeless. I ran up to Sofia and held her close. Blood was spilling out of her mouth. "Stay with me Sof, who did this to you?" Jake asked. "," Sofia breathed heavily. Suddenly, Santiago pushed me aside. "Stay back cousin! I don't want you getting hurt by the beast!" Santiago said as he guarded me. A whoosh of wind went right past me as Santiago looked around. Suddenly, Santiago got pushed to the edge, over the ocean. I grabbed my sword and stabbed it in the ground as I hung on with Santiago. "Santi! Hang on buddy! We'll get out of this," I hollered to him. I could feel Santiago's wet fingers slipping from my grasp. I saw something move in the ocean. "Jake there's no time! The beast has gotten everyone! He's a danger to this town including the Tooniverse! Just let go! It's for your own good!" Santiago called out to me. "But..." I started to say. "NOW!" Santi hollered at me. "You were like a brother to me Santi," I cried. "Same here buddy," Santi teared up and I let him go as he fell into the ocean. I stepped back and started to sob as tears ran down my warm cheeks. Then that's when I saw him. The sea monster. He looked a lot like Amber's boyfriend. He had a blood thirsty gleam and his eye and he had a malicious grin with sharp teeth. They were dripping with blood. I stood my ground and grabbed my sword. The beast knocked it out of hands with his tail. I saw harpoon at the water fountain and ran to grab it. The beast climbed on top of the fountain before I could get to the harpoon and growled at me. "You should have left long ago, poser! No wonder your girlfriend couldn't save you!" he said. As he said this I grew furious and kicked him off  the fountain statue. I grabbed the harpoon and ran toward him but he got my neck with his tail and started choking me. With a glint in his eye, he asked, "Any last words?!" Then grabbed a dagger Sofia gave to me in my pocket and stabbed him in the throat. He released me and I caught my breath. I grabbed the harpoon across the way as the beast got up, taking the dagger out of his throat. He ran towards me and when he did this, I launched the harpoon instantly killing him. I breathed heavily as I started walking sideways. Everything went black. I woke up in what seemed like Heaven but I couldn't tell. Suddenly a light came toward me. "Jake, Jake..." said the voice which sounded like Sofia. I saw the light and touched it as I came back to reality.

Jake woke up breathing heavily. He looked around as it was still dark outside. "It was just a dream," he sighed. He noticed a piece of paper at the bottom of his shoe and picked it up. It read:

Meet me at the alley.
I can help you get what you want.

Jake turned around and saw a trail of gold dabloons. "Treasure," Jake grinned. He followed the trail and counted each dabloon he picked up. He got to the alley and noticed a red Vespa. He was so intrigued with it until someone showed up.

The Princess and the Sea Monster: A Luca/Sofia the First fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now