Chapter 3: Alberto spots Amber

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Alberto was done with his lifeguard job and chores so he decided to go for a swim while Luca and Guilia were studying together. He knew that he wasn't supposed to go beyond Portorosso but he was curious to see what else was out there. So he jumped in the water and swam to see what he could find. In his sea monster form, he swam a little bit of a ways away from Portorosso and spotted another island which had three ships. Curious as he was, Alberto swam up behind Santiago's ship so no one would spot him. He heard what sounded like voices so he listened in on the conversation. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" James called out as he jumped into the ocean. Santiago followed James along with Sofia and Jake. They all had a great time splashing each other as King Rowland and Santaigo's grandpa were fishing. As Alberto was watching the kids play, he heard another voice. "Don't worry, I'll be fine," said the voice. Alberto peeked and saw a girl about his age unfolding a chair. She was wearing a light green bikini with gold trim around it. Suddenly, she took out her bun as her hair blew in the wind. Alberto was shocked. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen! As the girl turned around, Alberto hid again. Then he had an idea! He grabbed a heart shaped rock from under the sea and drew a happy face on it. Also he made a shell necklace real fast with a pearl in the middle. He saw the girl liked jewelry so why not? He was brave enough to bury it in the sand and mark an X on it. Then he quickly got back in the water and turned into his sea monster form. He waited but the girl didn't seem to notice. So threw a rock in her direction, hitting her.

Amber was relaxing when a rock hit her head. "James!" Amber yelled. She walked over to where Alberto marked the spot. "How many times do I have to tell you..." Amber shouted until she saw the X in the sand. She thought this was a prank. "Haha very funny James!" Amber called out. She could still hear James on the other side playing in the water. She was curious to see what the X was so she grabbed a shovel she found and started digging. Then, she saw a rock with a smiley face on it. She kept digging and then she found a clam. She got the clam and opened it up. Inside was a pearl necklace decorated with seashells. She didn't see anybody else want it so she decided to wear it. Suddenly, she heard a voice coming from behind the boat. Amber gasped. "Hello? Sofia? James?" Amber called out.

Alberto saw Amber putting on the necklace and shouted "Yes!" as he punched his fist in the air. But Amber heard him and Alberto sunk into the water. "Hello?" she called out. "Sofia? James?" she called out again. Then Alberto peeked over, saw her shrug, and leave. He couldn't help it. He was curious about Amber and really wanted to meet her. So he got out of the water and stood up to shake off to his human self. Just as he was walking, he stubbed his foot on a big rock. "Ow!" he shouted. Amber heard this and got up. She grabbed the rock and walked over to see what that sound was. Alberto heard her coming and walked backwards. Amber went another direction and walked backwards as well. As they kept walking backwards, they suddenly touched backs, screamed, and hid.

"What is it Amber? We heard you scream," James said as the group ran over to see what was going on. Amber hid behind James and told him there was a stranger. Santiago stood in front of the group and got out his sword as well as Jake. "Come out and show yourself!" Santiago said.

Alberto hid behind the ship and breathed heavily. "Come out! Show yourself!" Jake said. Alberto then peeked over and Amber yelled, "That's him!" Jake and Santiago ran over and pulled Alberto out from behind the front of the ship. "Um hello," Alberto nervously chuckled. "Who are you and what are you doing on this island?" Santiago asked. "I...I just came to see the view," Alberto said. "Yeah right," Jake huffed. There was a long pause. "Well, I guess I better go," Alberto said, leaving. "Wait!" Sofia said. "How will you get home?" Suddenly, King Rowland and Santiago's grandpa showed up and saw Alberto. "Santiago, who's your new friend?" his grandpa asked. "He's...uh..." Santiago said. "Alberto Scorfano," Alberto said, holding out his hand for a welcomed greeting. "How do we know if he's a pirate?" James whispered to Jake as Jake shrugged. "Um..." King Rowland thought. Amber looked at Alberto and was really curious about him. "Why don't you stay with us Mr. Scorfano and we will bring you home," Santiago's grandpa said. "That's a great idea!" Sofia said. The grownups walked off with Alberto as the rest of the group followed. Alberto turned back to Amber and winked at her. Amber suddenly blushed and smiled then shook it off.

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