chapter 21 : the plan part 2

Start from the beginning

"Gracias ilyas helped me up" Rosita replied "Oh ilyas by the way how did you know about those things ?"

"I learned some from Pico he makes the best carry in the multiverse and some from my friends you can say I learned something from every dimension but in the end I'm a bad cooker" ilyas replied

"If that's so well I have something for you" lobo was about to give him the paper and a pan

"Yeah hand over the adoption contract so I can sign it" ilyas replied

Lobo and jorge got shocked "how did you know about this ?"

"Actually" ilyas replied


Ilyas was listening to the music with his earphones before it gets unplugged

Ilyas POV

"Oh man the earphones is unplugged I need to replug them"

Then i heard lobo and jorge talking

"So dad did you bring the paper ?" Lobo asks quietly

"Yes I brought it" Jorge replied "but question what do you have to do this ?"

"You know because his family is dead and he loves me as he's little brother and is a part of my plan I most important I love him as my old brother" lobo replied

"Oh that's so sweet son ok I'll make sure the plan will work" jorge replied

"Something's fishy"

Nobody's POV

End of flashback

"And that's what happened" ilyas said

"Wait what is the adoption contract ?" Vida asks

"It's a piece of paper they use it to make a member was not in the family into a family if he's old more than 14 years example if I signed this contract I'll be a member of this family lobo's brother to be exact" ilyas replied

"So that means you will be my cousin ?" Vida asks

"I will be an adopted cousin" ilyas replied

"Oh man I wanted it to be a surprise for you" lobo replied disappointed

"Lobo of course I wanted to be your old brother and this is the best gift you ever gave me" ilyas replied

"so that means you gonna sign the contract ?" lobo asks 

"give me that" ilyas replied before he took the contract and sign it

lobo couldn't believe that ilyas is officially he's brother and hugged him immediately

"awe that's so cute" vida said

"Thank you" lobo replied

"For what ?" Ilyas asks

"For being my brother" lobo replied

"No I'm the one who should thank you for that I own for that" ilyas replied with tears on his face

"No I'm the one who owns you a lot this for our first met because you and your friends helped me save cleo" lobo replied

"you don't need" ilyas replied as he hugs him back

"Looks like they were destined to be brothers that's really adorable" maya replied

Ilyas and lobo broke the hug after a while

"Oh yeah I almost forgot Jorge maya the preschool needs you too tonight because they're having a celebration" ilyas said

"Oh I almost forgot" lobo replied

"So mom uncle jorge will you guys come ?" Vida asks

"Because they need us we'll come" jorge replied

"Well ilyas I think you should rest here for a while" Rosita replied

"Why though ?" Ilyas asks

"Because you're a member of our family now" Jorge replied

"Well I can agree with you in that" ilyas replied

"Ok follow me" lobo replied before he take him to his room "guess what big bro we're going to be a roommates and don't worry dad bought you some clothes"

"Like this day can not get better" ilyas replied as he changed his clothes "little bro because we're brothers now I'm going to help you with something tonight in your preschool"

"What's your plan ?" Lobo asks

"Okay but listen carefully" ilyas replied before he start telling him the plan

"Bro Are you insane that's the best plan ever" lobo replied

"i know just let's go to sleep" ilyas replied before he went to bed 

"ok ilyas" lobo replied before he went to bed "good night big bro"

"good night lobo" ilyas replied 

two hours later

ilyas got up from another nightmare then he changed his clothes when he saw lobo asleep in his bed and went to him 

"don't worry little bro they will never hurt you or your family or your friends or anyone they have to kill me first" ilyas said quietly before he went outside the room

Ilyas was on his way outside the house but jorge caught him

"Where are you going son ?" Jorge asks

"Oh dad I didn't see you there well I'm going to do something I had a nightmare I don't want to make it to reality again" ilyas replied

"A nightmare ? Happened again ?" Jorge asks

"Yeah it's about my dimension after it's got destroyed" ilyas replied

"It's just a nightmare" Jorge replied

"For you for me it's a memory and I don't want it to happen again not on this dimension and not on any dimension" ilyas replied

"Looks like it's had effect on you" Jorge said

"Yeah I can't sleep because of it I sometimes sleep a few hours and sometimes never sleep at all because of this memories and nightmares they're hunting my mind" ilyas replied

"Since when those nightmares are hunting your mind ?" Jorge asks

"4 years ago it's hunting my mind since 4 years ago" ilyas replied

"I see can you tell us the nightmare ? " Jorge asks

"Okay but where can I start it's my dimension gets destroyed and my mother got killed in front of me and my family ghosts are saying it's all my fault why couldn't I do something to stop it and it's really hurts really hurts" ilyas replied before he start crying

Then Jorge hugged him

"Don't worry son I promise that those memories will not gonna to hunt you again" Jorge said

"Thanks dad but the only way to end this is killing black and his team and revive my dimension and the only way to do it is by collecting the angel and the demon emeralds together" ilyas replied

"Angel and demon emeralds ?" Jorge asks

"Did you remember the emerald that it was on lobo's pocket on our first met ?" Ilyas asks

"Yes you said it's a demon emerald" Jorge replied

"It's one of them there's seven demon emeralds and and seven angel emeralds you know the demon emerald by the black color and the demonical negative energy that inside it and you know the angel emerald from the white color and the angelic positive energy inside it and the legend says if you collect them all you'll be able to revive a whole dimension even if they killed with the most demonical curse in the multiverse" ilyas replied

"Should you go to sleep because I think you're tired" jorge replied

"Don't worry dad I already got used to it" ilyas replied "and also it's morning"

"As your wish" jorge replied

To be continued

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