chapter 7 : super monsters meet the multiverse heroes

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"who are you guys ?" igor asks

"guys their the guys who trained me and helped me to save cleo from getting killed by black" lobo answered

"that's right lobo" ilyas replied

"what are your names ?" katya asks

"my name is ilyas and those are my best friends leo and darkness and those are pico nene and darnell the newgrounds gang and those are henry ellie and charles the triple threat" ilyas answered

"And who is she ?" esmie asks as she points at angel

"She's my girlfriend angel" darkness replied

"Oh we almost forgot I'm Igor and she's esmie my granddaughter kids introduce yourself" igor replied

"My name is drac drac shadows" drac replied

"My name is katya katya spelling" Katya replied "and that's my cat henri"

"I'm Frankie Frankie mash" Frankie replied

"I'm zoe zoe walker" zoe replied

"I'm spike spike gong" spike replied "cool you guys from another dimension"

"yeah cool right ?" ilyas asks

"wait how did you become so strong in the fight lobo ?" cleo asks

"yeah even i was shocked from the power let me check you up lobo" ilyas replied

"okay ?" lobo replied with some worry on he's face

ilyas touches lobo's head to check he's energy and discover something shocking

"oh my god lobo" ilyas said in shock

"what ?" lobo asks in fear

"i have two news for you lobo" ilyas answered

"what are they ?" lobo asks in a bigger fear

before ilyas answers lobo questions jorge and cleopatra comes to the preschool

"don't touch my child you bastard" jorge yells as he was trying to punch ilyas in the face but ilyas dodge's it

"are you ok lobo ?" jorge asks as he was hugging him

Then the team putting their weapons on jorge

"Weapons down he is his father" ilyas said

They put their weapons down

"yes dad but why did you hit him ?" lobo asks

"because he was trying to hurt you" jorge answered

"no he was checking me to know my hidden powers" lobo replied

"what i thought that your power is the werewolf powers" jorge replied

"no he got trained by us in our dimension" ilyas replied

"and who the heck are you ?" jorge asks

"my name is ilyas and your lucky because you have a son like lobo because it's so powerful" ilyas replied

"aren't you the one who kidnapped my daughter ?" cleopatra asks

"what hell no" ilyas replied

"what no mom those are the heroes who saved me with lobo" cleo replied

"oh god we're really sorry my name is jorge howler by the way" jorge replied

"oh don't worry jorge i don't care" ilyas replied

"oh my name is cleopatra graves" cleopatra replied

"nice to meet you cleopatra" leo replied

"so lobo cleo can you guys explain what happend in two weeks while you were in their dimension ?" drac asks

lobo x cleoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora