Victor"Move away from the door"

None of us move and Victor shouts again.

Victor"Move away!"

Eddie moves way from the door and he slides the key into my hands. Before I can even slot it into my back pocket, Victor explains.

Eddie"Thought of being actor? You have great projection"

Victor" I'll take that"

Charlie" No."

Victor" Give"

Charlie" No"

Victor" Miss Miller, I should think you would know now, not to disobey me, I can contact your father and have you and your brother thrown out"

Charlie" Dad wouldn't throw us out"

Victor" GIVE ME IT NOW!"

I jump back and my brother catches my arm. I shake a little and hand it over.

KT" That's mine"

Victor"It's mine now. Go to your rooms"

KT and I head back to our room and I sit on her bed with her.

KT" So when Victor takes things, he gives them back at the end of the week right"

Charlie" Most likely you will be lucky to see that again"

KT" I need to get it back"

KT then starts to get frustrated and starts crying. I put my arms around her.

Charlie" Hey it's okay, listen me, Eddie and you are going to get that key back"

KT" Thanks Charlie, I'm really glad I met you and your brother"

Charlie" I am really glad I met you"

The next morning KT and I head down for breakfast and she is still fretting about her grandfathers key, I reassure her.

Charlie" Don't worry, we will get it back, we just need to find my twin"

KT" You two are twins, I thought you were just brother and sister?"

Charlie" Oh no, yeah we are twins, I know it's hard to tell, me and Eddie look completely different, he was raised in America and I was raised in England, we found out last year we were separated because we are Osirians"

KT" Wow"

Charlie" I know right"

We head into the dining room and everyone is sitting down eating, though it looks Joy is trying to give Fabian oranges.

Charlie" Has anyone seen my brother?"

Patricia" I thought you would know aren't twins practically join at the hip"

Charlie" I guess you wouldn't know anything about that Patricia since your twin left"

KT" It's just we need to talk to him"

Patricia" Um, last time I saw him, he was heading to the bathroom, I wouldn't hang around with Eddie so much if I were you or her she is trouble too"

KT" Well I for one, like her, she has been a good friend to me"

Patricia" Has he asked you out? Because if so, be careful, he's a rat"

KT" FYI, I know that he's your ex, and this is bound to be awkward, but I'm not even remotely interested in Eddie"

Patricia" I never even said you were interested. But even if you were, it wouldn't bother me"

KT"Good to know"

Then Eddie walks out of the kitchen.

Eddie" Morning"

Charlie"We need to talk"

KT" Yeah"

Patricia" Oh, and she says she's not interested"

KT" Excuse me?"

Patricia" Eh, I'm just saying you should be careful, that's all"

KT" And why is that?"

Patricia" Because Eddie is the kind of guy, that writes fake breakup letters from ex girlfriends, and passes them off to his best mate that's why"

Charlie" Calm down Patricia"

Patricia" Shut up Weasel twin"

Eddie" Okay, Patricia, cool it, all right. She already knows about the letter. Plus, I mean, she sort of helped me write it, so"

Oh Eddie, this can only dig us deeper.

Patricia" What? You pretended to be Nina?"

KT" No, of course not"

Eddie" No, Patricia, it wasn't like that"

Patricia" Do you get a kick out of upsetting people or something?"

KT" I have no idea what you're talking about, but please back off"

Charlie" Yeah Patricia, why don't you take the hint, we all know you broke up with my brother"

Patricia" He, broke up with me"

Patricia then jumps up two cups of orange juice in her hands. Oh no, one of these is for Eddie or me.

Jerome" Oh. Oh, no"

Alfie" Take cover! Patricia's getting riled!

Patricia" Who do you think you are?"

KT" You need to leave me alone. Please"

Then Patricia chucks one cup of orange juice on KT and another on me. I am now completely covered in orange juice as is KT. KT looks at me.

Charlie" Yeah, she does that"

Then KT chucks her cereal all over Patricia.

KT" And I do that!"

My twin then pulls me and KT out of the room.

Charlie" That was brilliant, KT I don't think anyone has ever done that".

Eddie" Whoa, you two are a lot alike"

KT" Please don't insult me"

Eddie" It was a compliment, actually"

KT" Look, I overreacted in there but I need to get my grandfather's key back. I can't let anyone else get a hold of it. I have to get it back"

Charlie" Okay, Okay, we will"

KT" How?"

Eddie" We'll wait for the right moment"

KT"When? When is that?"

Twins" When Victor's not in his office"

Story Notes
So KT loses her grandfathers key but the twins assure her they can get it back. Amber opens her presents and the twins have another vision.

Okay so not much happened in this chapter but we are only the third episode so things have yet to get going yet. As always let me know what you thought.


What was your favourite part, what would you like to see more of?


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