• 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 6 • (𝙏𝙒: 𝙠𝙞𝙙𝙣𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜)

Start from the beginning

Ah! Also, I've been making potions like how Kusanali taught me before in the past. I've learned how to make revival potions. Do you understand what this means?

It means I can bring her back to life and kill her again and again until I'm satisfied. Hehe, thanks Nahida!!

By the way, I've added a rule in Mondstadt. Funny, huh? Mondstadt doesn't really have rules from a god. It's only one rule and it is this:

Anyone who messes with or confesses to the traveler will be wiped out of existence.

Haha! Good rule, right? I made it with my own messed up mind~! Now I think I'll stop here. I may send you letters to tell you my progress, so keep your eyes peeled!

Best Regards,


__________~Two Weeks Later~________

Venti put the last finishing touches on his temporary home before heading to the Cathedral. After he had wrote the notes, he fled Mondstadt City and went to a far away area where no one would find him. He created this empty space into a little cottage for himself and enchanted it with magic so no one would be able to see it but him and Signora. Well, she wouldn't be able to go outside anyway.

He took out his scythe and spun it around him, flipping it a bit before his plan was put to action. He put the hood of his cloak on and traveled to the city after weeks.

Venti was in disguise so no one would recognize him taking Signora to her death, basically. The design had to be super plain or else he would be noticed immediately.

___________~Mondstadt City~________

Arriving at nightfall, he snuck to the side of the cathedral and peeked out to see a blonde woman looking around for the sender of the envelope she received two weeks earlier. Signora, 8th of the 11th Fatui Harbingers, was standing just a mere inches away. He clutched the rope in his one hand and his scythe in the other. Signora muttered a few words under her breath before sashaying away, her back towards Venti.


He quietly snuck up behind her and in one fell swoop, he grabbed her hands and tied them up in front of her, forcing her to the ground to gag her as well.

"MMMH MMM MMMMMM?!!?" was all Signora could muster before Venti slapped her hard in the face. "Hush. You were the one who came here, remember? It was me who wrote that note. Hehe, I'm pretty smart, huh?"

He got up off of Signora and tapped his foot on the ground impatiently. "Come on, hurry your slow ass up. We've got a long ways to go to your new home~"

Defeated, she reluctantly got up and walked behind Venti towards the cottage in the woods.


Once they were in the woods, he gave her a cloak. "Here, take this. In case I actually let you out for some fresh air, you are to put this on and never speak to anyone but me. Understand?"

Signora nodded, much to her dismay. Now how did she get herself into this mess? She has met this bard, or should she say God, before. She remembered him being quite weak and easy to steal his gnosis. However, she failed to grab it before and retreated. Now, he quickly overpowered her and now she's being taken as a hostage. Ugh, this was awful.

She was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Venti had disappeared. She looked around, confused before something hard hit her in the back of the head, knocking her out instantly.

Venti sat atop a tree with a slingshot in hand. He jumped down and walked up to the Harbinger, picking up the apple from the ground and tossing it in the air.

"How you like them apples, Signora?" He whispered, giggling madly.


When she came to, she was chained to  a bed tightly with all limbs, wrists and ankles, spread far apart from the chains. The strange thing is that they were blue, possibly enchanted from Venti's magic.

The room was pitch black and Signora was unknown of where she was looking. Suddenly a door opened, casting light into the room, where a silhouette walked in and turned the light on. The bard stood in the doorway, with his modern attire (striped shirt, frog hat look from the one chapter) and a crazed grin on his face. In his hand was a glowing blue scythe he had been carrying the entire trip.

He skipped to her bedside, humming a tune and loomed over her.

"Hehehe...hello there." He smiled brightly. Signora thrashed around violently, jerking here and there. "YOU RAT! LET ME OUT THIS INSTANT!! Y-"

A harsh slap to the face ceased her thrashing and she shrunk down into the bed. "Bitch. Stop that. That's not going to get you out of here. Pfff, please, you're never getting out of here!!" He declared while laughing. He came close to her ear and whispered:

"We're gonna have fun. Lots and lots of fun~"

 "𝙈𝙤𝙞𝙧𝙖" ● 𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤!𝙑𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞 𝙓 𝙇𝙪𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 ● 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙐 Where stories live. Discover now