Characters and Introduction

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Main Characters:

Mikayla Davis
15 years old

Arnold Davis
Mikayla's Big Brother
17 years old

Jayden Martinez
Mikayla's close school friend.
16 years old

Supporting Characters:

Lia Harper (Mikayla's school friend)
15 years old

Alexandra Hart (Mikayla's school friend)
15 years old

Charmaine Smith (Mikayla's childhood best friend)
16 years old

→Jayden's Family:
Andrew Martinez (his dad)

Lilian Martinez [Williams] (his mom) she has liver cancer and won't live for that long

Lucas Martinez (his big brother)
17 years old

Additional Characters:

Anna (Mikayla's church friend)

Paige (popular girls of the school/ likes Jayden)

Sadie (popular girls of the school/ Jayden's friend and is obsessed with Jayden)

Andrea (popular girls of the school) is helping Sadie to get Jayden)

✿ Nicknames:


Hey everyone, welcome to my first book🤗

There is some further information I am going to address right now.

•This is a christian story that may contain emotional and sad scenes based on the vision I have for this book. So, if you don't feel comfortable with that, you are more than welcome to skip those chapters, as I will put a warning at the beginning of the chapter.

•The pics that I placed as the characters of this book are mostly celebrities or models, etc. But I don't want it to create commotion because it's just my imagination. Also, if any name and surname are of someone you know, just know that it's a coincidence.

•The setting of this story is in the United States of America.

•Everyone is welcome to read this book, whether Christian or not, because God loves everyone, and I do as well.

•No rude comments. If you have an opinion about the book or something that doesn't sit well with you about this book, address it to me in a kind way.

•I displayed the characters. If you don't like them, you can kindly imagine your own, but what makes it a unique and special story is the characters I choose, but your choice.

Characters in the story may start to add, depending on my imagination.

•Do not copy my ideas because it is my hard work.

These are the information and rules so you can go to the next chapter and start reading this amazing story.

May God bless you all ❤️

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