In Her Words

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In Her Words

Author: drwhogivesadamn

Genre: Teen Fiction

Before there were great stories, there were only words. Luke's were smart and eloquent but hollow. It was nothing like Emma's story, bleak and awkward, but honest to a fault.

Couple: Luke Vance and Emma

Ship name: #Luma

"Luke:It's nice to meet you.

Emma: We've already met."

He hates kids.

She loves kids.

He hates people.

She loves people.

He hates stupid people more

She tries to teach people acting stupid a lesson (She's pretty convincing.)


A grade jerk who's about to have a change of heart (or a really hefty wallet if he decides to write about a homeless girl with the most gruesome stories to tell).

A staple on the street who we barely notice, but whose stories are enough to break a cold man's heart.

They seem like opposites.


"When he first heard her, he knew. She was his best seller."

This is a coming-of-age journey of a writing prodigy in search of a story, his story, and a doe-eyed, homeless storyteller stifled by secrets, her secrets.

Check it out!



P.S I want to be someone's best seller.

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