Upper Moon

375 9 5

Warning not lemons but indeed sexual

Your pov
I did the same closing my eyes and leaning forward. Our lips met,  the experience was unimaginable it felt as if my lips were melting. Like fireworks going off. After a few seconds we broke apart.

"Was that your first kiss, Jaeger-kun"

"Yeah it was"

"Mine too, want to continue?"

"Does this answer your question" I asked as I leaned forward kissing her again

Before we knew it, we were making out. She was on top of me while I was leaning up against the wall.  She then started undressing herself, takin her kimono off. I took my shirt off. Hands all over each other, kisses on each other necks, tongue wars, after make out cuddles, that was a unforgettable night

I woke up to the sun shining in the room, not reaching my bed. I tried to get up but felt another presence. I then remembered what Katsumi and I had done. She was there laying peacefully hugging tightly onto me

"Katsumi" shaking her

She groaned

"Katsumi, it's time to wake up"

She was then about to get up but then quickly went back under the covers and said

"I don't have my kimono"

"I'll get it"

Still having my pants on I got up and pick her kimono off the floor and handing it to her.

"Thanks, last night was amazing. Don't do anything stupid and listen to the doctors" kissing my forehead

"Will do" I chuckled

I then watched as she left the room, now pondering what our relationship was now. What would happen now after we had made out. Only time will tell.

After a few minutes the doctors came in doing their daily check ups. After 2 weeks of being bed-sided, we now started rehabilitation training. Tanjiro, Zenistu, and Boar Mask trained with Kanao and Shinobu while we trained with Mitsuri

After 2 months of rehabilitation training, we were ready to get back into action. The higher ups have now informed me to prove that Katsumi was an ally and not enemy. To prove so we would need to become stronger. After encountering many demons, alongside with Katsumi we gotten stronger. I now carried her in a box similar to Tanjiro. Our next big mission was to assist Shinobu in taking on upper moon 4.

The team consisted of Hinata, Shinobu, Juju, Katsumi, and I. We had gone to suspicious location that we been informed was where he was located. Before we knew it we were suddenly attacked. The claw caught my arm but other than that I evaded it. After a long back and forth battle, upper moon 4 escaped

Daki pov
"Phew I made it out before the sun came"

"Well, well if it isn't upper moon 4" I said coming out from tree

"Daki, what are you doing here"

I had came here as soon as I heard that Upper Moon 4 was setting a trap for demon slayers. I wanted to ensure Y/N-kun was safe and didn't die, so I came. However I couldn't revealed myself in front of Y/N-kun so I waited for him to escape. I then started walking to him

"You'll see"

As my sashes came out cutting off his limbs

"Gahh! What are you doing!?"

As expected the wounds instantly healed back. So then I stacked my sashes and wrapped him up.

"You hurt someone that I care about"

"What?! Who?"

"Doesn't matter cause anyone who touches him is dead"

The sun was now coming up so while still wrapped up, I brought him out into the sun burning him alive.


After a while he completely burned up. I was now left satisfied walking under the trees to avoid sunlight I was debating on whether or not to check up on Y/K-kun. However I thought to just wait for him to surprise me

Your pov

Being able to not beat a upper moon was expected. No one has even been able to beat one ever. Missions went on as usual, one of my missions ended up with me getting wounded. However that was unfortunate because the day next was Daki-Sama birthday and I was planning on surprising her but it seemed that wouldn't be able to happen seeing my current conditions. Speak of the devil, Daki-Sama hawk was flying in with a note attached. I wonder how the hawk finds me. I grabbed the note and begun reading it

Dear Y/N-kun

I hope your doing well, it's been 3 months and 20 days since you left. Things aren't the same but I know your chasing your dream out there, I just hope your being safe and not doing anything reckless. You should come by soon, maybe for a week. you could stay with me, I am deeply missing you, so visit soon. Lots of Luck xoxo


Man Daki-Sama is truly the best, always caring and looking out for me. I do miss her too and it's a shame I can't see her. I started writing my letter back, but I couldn't mentioned the fact that I couldn't see her was cause I was injured. Otherwise she would probably head over here worrying, so I chose to write the excuse of having a mission. Finishing my note I gave it to the hawk. Hinata than entered checking on my injury

Daki pov
It was late and been a while since I sent my letter. I had just finished eating my dinner. I had 2 legs, 1 brain and a torso. I saved the rest for later. Then I noticed my hawk with a note landing. I grabbed the note and to say I was upset was a understatement. I was hoping he would come visit me on my birthday since I had asked that but it seemed he couldn't. He still remembered it was my birthday giving me a early birthday wish. I also noticed something else on the hawk talon , it was wrapped up.

I decided to unwrap it finding a beautiful pearl bracelet. Before I could put it on, my surroundings had suddenly changed. I then saw all the upper moons here as well

"Upper Moon 4 is dead"

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