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Your pov
Today was the day, December 7. My birthday and the day I would be setting off. I had said my goodbyes to my parents and now I was on my way to the Final Selection. To be quite honest I had no idea where I was going. I decided to just follow the sun. After what seem to be hours of walking I ran into someone

"So sorry" I said bowing

She then look at me top to bottom and asked, "You wouldn't be happening be heading to the Final Selection?"

"How you know?" I asked

She then shrugged, "You look young and btw your heading the wrong way"

"I am?" I asked

She than nodded, "Just follow me"

she then noticed my sword and said, "No way! You have a Nichirn blade too!"

"Yeah, it was a birthday gift from someone special to me" I said

"Birthday gift. Then that means, Happy birthday!" She said

"Thanks" I chuckled

She then held her hand out, "Hinata Inou, let's get along"

"Y/N Jaeger, please to meet you" I shook her hand

She than started the conversation with, "So what's your breathing style"

"Eh? Breathing style" i said

She than smacked her head, "Your joking, you been training and you don't even know"

"Wait, we need to train?" I asked

She than stopped moving, "Omg, why wouldn't you need to? Are you dumb or something?"

"I guess I'll just wing it" I said

She sighed, "Let's hope so"

"How bout you" I asked

She than wink and said, "It's a secret, but let's just say it's pretty cool"

"Ok" I said

She than said, "I also been training for 2 years so I'm fully confident in myself"

"Nice" I said

We continue to walked as she ramble on about random things and what not. After hours of walking it was soon dark. We decided to stay by a nearby cabin to avoid demons.

I knocked on the door, "could we possibly stay here?"

A old woman then came out and asked, "My my, what are you young kids out here doing so late at night"

"We are future demon slayers" Inou said with a smile

The woman chuckled, "Oh my, wouldn't you 2 be a cute couple"

Her response caught me off guard and I could tell Hinata was surprised seeing as how she was blushing very badly

"It's nothing like that, we had only just met" I said

The old woman than said, "The young lady seems to disagree"

"Ehhh... Jaeger-kun right, we had only just met" she said

The old woman laugh, "I'm just teasing, young love always amazes me, please come in" she said allowing us to enter

We entered her room only to be greeted by another person

"Oh my, who do we have here?" The short woman said

The old woman smiled and said, "These 2 younglings are future demon slayer"

"Oh my, what a surprise" she said

"Who may you be, I'm Hinata Inou" she said

"Nice to meet you, I'm Shinobu Kocho, and who are you" she asked turning her gazed toward me

I cleared my throat, "I'm Y/N Jaeger"

"Well Inou-kun, Jaeger-kun would you say your confident in pasting the Final Selection" Shinobu said

"Why wouldn't we, Kocho-senpai" She said

"That's good to hear, anyways I'm off to bed, bye now" she said

We waved goodbye as she entered a room. After that we sat down and drank some stew the nice lady made for us. After talking amongst eachother we went to bed.

"Daki-Sama, I'm back!"

"Oh Y/K-kun I missed you so much"

I was so happy, I couldn't control myself as I kept running toward her


It's been so long and she still as beautiful as ever like she never aged. Eh no way, daki-Sama could never like someone like me


"Wait for me Daki-Sam..."


I was suddenly woken up when I felt a pillow hit my face. I turn to see it was Hinata who threw a pillow at me.

"Get up, Kocho-Senpai wants to see us" she said leaving me there to get dress

As I was getting change I couldn't help but wonder why I was dreaming about Daki-sama. Whatever. However I wonder what she's up to. I then came out and saw Shinobu and Hinata outside waving me over

Daki pov

"Thank you so much, I don't know if I ever came that much in my life" he said as he was putting his pants on

I was wipping my mouth, trying to get the disgusting taste out of my mouth

"Maybe next time we could do the real thing" he said

This caused me to internally gag, no way in hell would I do it with some old geezer, "we don't offer that here" I said

"Come on baby, you know you want it" he said

I sighed, "Leave before I hurt you really badly" I said with fake smile

The man than left. That was the last customer of day. Typically around this time Y/N-kun would come visit me. It hasn't even been a day and I already miss him, I hope he's not hurt. I wonder what he's up to. Well looks like it's time for me to get some dinner

Your pov

"What's up" I asked

Shinobu than grinned and said, "I would like to evaluate your skills"

"Why" I asked

I then felt a elbow to my rib cage, "Shaddup, Can't you tell she's a demon slayer" Hinata said

"So?" I asked

She then sighed, "So it'll be good practice for us"

"Your correct Inou-Chan, but not just any I'm a Hashira" she said

Hinata jaw dropped and said, "Nooo Wayyy!"

"Makes sense" I said

Shinobu than drew her sword and said, "Come at me with everything you got, I'll only defend"

We both than took offensive stances, then Hinata charged in

"Kyahhhh" she screamed only for her sword to bounce off

I just stood there, evaluating looking for the perfect moment to strike. Time after time Hinata failed to land a singular strike. Although this was only training, we needed to have the mindset to kill, if we wanted to win

"That's it, Moon Breathing!" She screamed as she breathed inward

What's no way. She has moon breathing I saw Shinobu just as surprised as I was

"First form: dark moon, evening palace!" She screamed

She sent out multiple crescent shape slashes in a horizontal motion. Wow I must say, for her to wield a powerful breathing style she must come from a powerful family. Shinobu grew a amused face, I could tell she was starting to enjoy this

"Insect Breathing Cocoon Dance: metamorphosis" she breathed in and then created a barrier around herself, protecting her from the crescents

Now I strike!

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