Chapter One

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Kit's Pov
They say everything happens for a reason. So they say, what if you makes things happen for a reason, or even perhaps you have the worse kind of luck to man kind. I didn't have much, but it was better than a life than most people had. I was an only child my mother being a single mom always tried to give me everything I could ever want in life. I always was thankful for everything she could provide me with whether it was new clothes or when I wanted things she always managed to get it for me.

Though she let her own mind slip into depression. Most days she could work, some days she couldn't, she would sleep away her sadness I would help her with the bills with my job. She had originally thought moving here would be proven better for us.

Oh how truly wrong she was. It brought out the truly worse in me. It didn't matter where I went, or who I met, I was hurting someone unintentionally with my words and my actions.

When the move first had happened I had met in my opinion such a bright personality so full of happiness and so full of this innocence I had wished I had kept for myself.

It was during the biggest party McKay was throwing, everyone getting fucked up left and right. Walk into one room, someone was fucking in one, drinking in the other. Jules wasn't hurting anyone just slipping into the kitchen before Nate Jacobs decided to be the totally dick he was. Always taking out his problems with Maddy out on everyone else all because he didn't have the control he wanted screaming about who knew Jules, my lovely self stepped in with no second thought sliding my arm over her upper shoulders with a casual smirk, nose jewelry shining under the blaring neon lights.

"Jules? Of course who doesn't know her. She's my girl." I sent him a smirk all the while leaving his tall form glaring in confusion. Jules had soft eyes that sparkles and twinkles her makeup always bright to fill her personality.  She was staring at me in shock almost the fear leaving her, she looked so relieved when I pressed a light kiss to her cheek smiling her way, shifting my blue eyes back at Nate.

"She's new by the way so maybe don't be such a cunt." I nodded toward him with my final word, urging Jules to follow me so I could get her out of there, crowded full of drunk idiots only one other person was watching closely and that was Rue. Always overseeing things.

Although you couldn't see, her body was trembling leading me over towards a bike on the grass, I let her go once we were a safe distance although she didn't leave much room before she was jumping towards me hugging me deeply.

"Oh my god thank you so much.. I knew he was gonna try and hurt me thank you so much." My eyes were wide in place for a moment before my expression relaxed gently rubbing her upper back up and down in place.

"It's no problem Nate can always be a dick, he's just taking his anger out because he can't control what happens with Maddy." Jules had pulled back for just a moment little tears brimming her eyes. I held my breath at the sight of her, gently wiping under her eyes a couple times her arms loosely wrapped over my upper back.

"How did you know I was a new?" She asked me her voice held a light tremble in place, her eyes rounded while gazing at me. Another side smile grew on my face gazing into her full expression with a chuckle.

"Because I'm slightly new myself. I just know everyone because they are loud. I know you are new Jules." She chuckled gently to me, her hands resting over my shoulders firmly.

"You are quite impressive." She whispered out pulling away for a moment.

"I'm Kit, maybe you should head home just to be safe okay." I reassured her, pulling away gently she wiped at her cheeks deeply a couple times.

"Thank you Kit really I mean it." She smiled my way, pulling away backing away towards her bike lifting it up. I watched her lift it up, backing away a couple times over the grass I turned around seeing Rue was making her way sluggish movements as she made eye contact with me nodding my way with a soft smile.

I wanted to make sure Jules was okay, she flashed me another soft smile that she was okay, turning her attention towards Rue who had approached her. I wasn't someone who easily was impressed but the way she smiled at me, and waved her hand at me. I was smitten in no time. I moved to rest near the back where the pool area was, sitting down on the edge of the steps holding my face in my hands staring at the blue hues of the pool.

This school was suppose to be easy, yet it seemed it was always trying to push me into different directions. I could hear a splash of water, turning my eyes to focus exhaling when I saw her state. Maddy always was a hot mess wasn't she?

"Maddy do you need help?" I questioned seeing her looking at me in confusion and with an annoying expression she sighed heavily placing her manicured hand over her temple.

"Kit? Can you help me inside please." She grumbled out loosely. With a light chuckle I stood up fixing my jeans the best to my ability letting her hold onto my arms taking her inside the house.

"I gotchu come on." I held her wet waist in placing sighing tipping my head back to face the entire sky, the stars twinkling down with ease. Life, they say it happens for a reason. I beg to differ.

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