5, The Dress

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The smell of coffee engulfed my senses slowly waking me from my sleep. The couch was less than comfortable, but better than the recliner.
Poor Mya.

I quietly got up, folding the blanket I had used and scooping up my pillow, shoving them in the closet before pouring a hot cup of coffee.

After my shower I did my hair, covered my hazel eyes with brown contacts and threw on a black romper. Creeping over to the recliner, I woke Mya quietly asking her to get ready. We don't have a lot of time before Luciano comes looking for us. He hates when people are late for breakfast.

After she was ready we headed up to the pack house and all it's glory. Mornings were beautiful on the pack territory. The pack house was gorgeous. The front looks like a one story house with a tall roof, covered in trees and a small path leading to the front door, but if you go inside you actually enter on the second floor. there's a 3rd and 1st floor as well. We winded down the staircase to the sun room on the first floor where we were greeted by Destiny, the pack maid, and were seated. Waiting for his Highness to initiate breakfast.

About 20 minutes went by and still no sign of Luciano.

"I'm gonna wake his majesty before Mya eats all the biscuits." I stood up and walked towards his room. It wasn't until I opened his door that I realized how awkward this was. I could have easily sent a maid.

"Luci?" I called out, Not even a flinch. "Luciano?" Nada. "Alpha! Wake up!"

I tried pulling the blanket off but he just rolled over on his stomach, putting one leg up and his arms towards his chest.

"Luciano. Your late getting up." I try again but no response. "Luci? Can you hear me?" I almost yell.

"Ugh. Who would have guessed you would be the only alpha in history who's late for shit. Ironic." I mumbled to myself as I moved Luciano to the perfect position for me to....


I hit the back of his neck hard and threw myself under his bed as quickly as I could.

Luciano threw himself out of the bed running around the room.

"What the fuck was that?" He stood there for a second before retreating to the bathroom. "I'm going fucking crazy, man."

Sliding out from under the bed I ran to his door and opened it, then turned around, "Luciano? Are you up? I'm not waiting all morning to eat eggs!" I yell through his room.

"Yeah.. yeah I'll be out in a minute. I had a situation." Calling from the bathroom, he sounded pretty annoyed.

"Hurry up. I'm hungry. You know I'm not a morning person." I reply annoyed.

"Did you not get your coffee this morning? You usually won't even get shoes on before a cup of coffee." He yells through his bathroom door.

"Yes I did. But Im going to need another to hold me over having to wait on the Princess to get up and Grace us with his presence." I turn to leave when I hear him call out.

"Hey, you still there?"

"Uh, Yeah? what's up?" I called back.

"Is anyone else here? Or was anyone in my room this morning?" Man I'm such an asshole. This dude really thinks he's losing his mind.

"Uhm. No I don't think I saw anyone. Why?" I breathed out almost slapping myself.

"I don't know. Do you ever dream of your mate and think you feel them or something?" He took a few breaths. "That sounds really weird. Never mind. I'll be out in a minute."

The Hidden LunaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ