And So it Begins Part Two

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      Ethan pulled into his driveway and his little brother and sister hopped out of the car hurriedly. Ethan stayed in his car and took a deep breath. Today was finally over and tomorrow was the weekend he could finally sleep in. He didn't have work this Saturday so he could wast the day how he would see fit. which would more than likely mean being the Grinch and wallowing in self-pity, and his anxiety. It'll be great, he let out a heavy sigh.

     Liv came running out the door and right to Ethan's driver side window. Knock, knock. Ethan roles down the window, so that he can hear his sister, all while questioning when she and Levi had gotten out of his car.  "Ethan, what's wrong? You only stay in the car when you hate the world. Or when you're getting depressed... Will you tell me what's wrong?" She asked sweetly, with a hit of puppy dog eyes.

     Ethan raised an eyebrow in questioning as Live stated that last part and replied, "Liv its nothing for you to worry yourself with. I'm fine. I'll see you when I go inside, ok, tell Levi and mom I'll be there soon. I just need to cool down." 

     "Ok, whatever you say, Ethan." Liv then skipped over to the front door and walked inside a smile never leaving her face. Even smiled to himself but couldn't get over the feeling that he had made a horrible mistake today.

     Ethan's cell rang outplaying his favorite song. "~don't want to be an American idiot... One nation controlled by the media... -"

     "Hello?" Even questioned.

     "Why hello there Even I'm Lilly from the Better Lives for Hopeless People corporation, and I was just wondering if there was anything I could help you with today? A wish you may want to be granted!" A cheerful voice called out from the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry mam but I don't understand, what is the 'Better Lives for Hopeless People corporation'?" Even asked truly puzzled by the strange woman on the other end of the phone. 'Maybe she's a loon?' Ethan thought.

"Oh my! So you've never heard of us?! I'm so sorry Even, we are the people that help teens and young adults like you get the life that they deserve! Only some people have the privilege of us helping them though! We have been helping for over 50 years. We are for the people! Oh my looks like I was rambling again! I'm sorry Even!"

"Ok so you're from this 'corporation' but how do you know my name, I didn't say it when I first answered did I?" Even asked couriers as to how the woman, he thought to be a loon, could be so calm and hyper at the same time as she speaks.

"That's easy, silly we know all! You didn't think that a corporation such as BLfHP would not know all! I know everything about you! I know about how you almost killed you, little sister, two years ago, how you used to harm girls without even trying, how you fell in love at the ripe old age of 10. Oh oh and my favorite is that you're still in love with her but you feel hopeless because she rejected you! But I think it's sad that you tried to commit suicide a year ago, you know that's never the answer right?"

Even stared blankly at his phone. How was this possible? What was going on? Only his family knew of his anger and depression issues. And his concealer is sworn by law to not talk about him. "Umm lady, is T-this the real thing? I mean.. If this is real then you know everything right?" Even began to tear up. How is this possible?

"Even, sweet thing, don't you dare start crying on me! If you cry I'll cry y-you got that!" She cleared her thought, "Now Even if you can't think of a wish right now you can call me back ok? The number you can call me on is 901-000-1206. After you do so ask for Lilly ok? They'll know who I am. I'll let you go now, your mom will be worried if you stay out there too much longer bye bye~"

The call was over, the woman who knows all is gone and now he has to put this new number into his phone. He goes to his contacts and makes one under the name, 'Corp. for Helpless People' then he pasted the number in. 901-000-1206. 'There that should be good' Ethan thought.

Even got out of the car, grabbed his keys from the ignition and walked into his house, 'Maybe today wasn't so bad. One wish huh? Interesting.'

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