And So it Begins

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     Yuki awoke to her mom and dad fighting again, from what Yuki could hear, this time it was about her and her little sister. How Yuki was falling behind and that it would effect May's education. How if Yuki didn't step up her game, her sister would not be able to learn, she would fall to her sisters level of inaccuracy. Yuki's father then stated that May is her own person, they can't force her to do anything, just like they were unable to force Yuki to get her life together.

     Yuki was really trying to do better, for not her own sake, not her sister's sake, not for her parent's sake, but for the sake of her dream. Yuki wants to travel the world as an English teacher to the children or teenagers of Korea, Japan or China's second language. She's wanted to do this for 3 years now. And nobody took it seriously, they all laughed saying it wasn't possible.

    Yuki closed her eyes and chokes back the tears that prick the edges of her eyes. Her parents had stopped fighting and Yuki could hear footsteps creaking across the floor above her. KNOCK. KNOCK. "YuYu, mommy wants to know if you're feeling better! And if you arrre~ she wants YuYu to help with supper!" Yuki closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, time to face things. "May, my head still hurts, but tell mom I'll be up in a few to help her anyway, K?" YuYu was the nickname that May had given her older sister quite a while ago. And it had just kinds stuck around. Yuki could hear the little girl running down the hallway and up the stairs to speak with their mother. May was super cute, and at age 9 she was already so smart. She heard the faint thumping of May going up the stair s and assumed that she as now talking to thier mother.  It was likely that in about 5 minutes her mother would call her cell phone, asking if Yuki needs anything.

     Bzzzzzz, bzz, zzz zzz, bzzzz, bzz zzz zzz. Bzz, bzz, bzzzzzzz. Yuki's cell phone vibrated, she looked for the caller ID but there wasn't one. Her phone continued to vibrate until she picked it up, "h-hello?" Yuki hesitantly answered. A deep voice on the other end replied, "Hello I'm from the Better Lives for Hopeless People corporation, and I was just wondering if there was anything I could help you with lady Yuki?" Yuki hastily looked around her. She quickly realized that it was futile, she had forgotten that she was still in her room nothing had changed. She tried pinching herself and winced when a very real pain was felt.

     "I'm sorry sir, but I believe you have the wrong number. I'm just fine where I'm at."

     "But lady Yuki, I can make all your wildest dreams come true~"

     Yuki looked at her phone quizzically, "I'm really am sorry, you must have the wrong number. Tell me who you were trying to call and I will try to help you, Sir." There was no reply for quite some time, "Hello? Mister?"

"Yuki I'm disappointed in you! You should be taking this opportunity to get away from it all! I can give you an escape from your parents fighting over you, I can make the man of your dreams love you! Yuki you foolish girl! Call me back when you feel like getting away!! My name is Ron, from the relationship department, just call 901-000-1206. Just ask for me, they know who you are and they will make sure you get help! Oh and Yuki before you go and tell your parents like you always do when someone you don't know calls. They will try to call and a mental health help hotline will come up. Only you can contact us Yuki, only you."

     Beep beep beep bee-

     "What? What I-i don't get it!" Yuki threw her phone down on her bed and ran upstairs. So many things that just didn't fit were happening today. There was the failed love confession, then the major headache, hearing her parents fight and now some sicko was prank calling her. "Why won't today just end!" She yelled out defeatedly.

Heart beats <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora